Gendered Familial Care Work
Public Health Crises


July 20-23, 2021

Open and free to the public. Conference program schedule here.

This (online) multi-disciplinary conference aims to foster dialogue about the connection between public health crises and the gendered caregiving obligations of women and girls in the context of low and lower middle-income countries. The conference presentations will examine the public health, ethical, and political significance of fragmented and under-resourced national health systems on the gendered familial care work responsibilities of women and girls from low-income households. A central theme of the conference will be the need of state actors and non-state actors (within nations and internationally) to support and bring about structural, systemic changes that will improve the lives of women and girls from low-income households. The larger goal of the conference is to foster conversation between researchers, practitioners, and activists from a variety of contexts and fields who are concerned about those issues.

Plenary speakers are as followers:

The conference is sponsored by the University of Rhode Island.

Questions about the conference should be sent to

Conference organizer:   Zahra Meghani, Philosophy Department, University of Rhode Island.

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