The Division of Research & Economic Development
URI Committee for Research and Creative Activities
Announce the
2024-2025 Proposal Development Grant Awards

Collaborative Proposals

Mariusz Furmanek, Physical Therapy, Susan D’Andrea, Kinesiology, Tyler Foster, Physical Therapy, “Establishing a Protocol for Utilizing Indwelling Fine Wire Intramuscular Electromyography (EMG) Equipment in Rotator Cuff Muscles Assessment,” $25,000.

Kunal Mankodiya, Electrical Engineering, Lisa Weyandt, Psychology, Dhaval Solanki, Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering, “MindGame: An Interactive Puzzle Game with Wearables and AI to monitor effect of medication on ADHD symptoms,” $29,918

Chelsea Farrell, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Natalie Pifer, Criminology and Criminal Justice, “CNC Machinist Training Program in Prison: A Pilot Evaluation and Fidelity Assessment,” $19,665

Roya Izadi, Political Science, “Warfare Within: Understanding Societal Militarization,” $20,000

Jaime M. Ross, Ryan Institute for Neuroscience, “The contribution of microplastics to developing Alzheimer’s disease,” $20,000

Meng Wei, Graduate School of Oceanography, “Improved understanding the physics of precursory events before major earthquake in subduction zones,” $19,409

Karen M. Markin, Ph.D.
Director, Research Development
Tel: 874-5971