Research Concierges FAQ

What kinds of questions can the Research Concierges help me with?

PIs may request the Research Concierges’ assistance with a variety of issues. Examples of the Research Concierge services include:

  • Navigating URI’s research enterprise
  • Connecting with research resources across the University
  • Identifying cores and shared research facilities relevant to your research
  • Providing guidance on the appropriate research support office to help you with specific proposal or award questions
  • Addressing questions about who you may contact about a certain policy or procedure
  • Arranging a meet and greet for college faculty and staff with the central research offices

Example questions for the Research Concierge team:

Question: I am new at URI. Can you provide me with an overview of the research landscape here at URI?

    • Answer: Yes, the research concierge team is here to meet with new faculty and staff to provide an overview of our offices and their responsibilities. We also encourage new faculty and staff to join the monthly RAMS sessions as a training opportunity for the management of grants. 

Question: I need an eRA Commons account. How can I create one?

    • Answer: eRA Commons accounts need to be created by the central OSP pre-award specialist who is assigned to your college. You can find your OSP pre-award specialist here or the research concierges are happy to connect you by emailing

Question: What is the status of my award? Can I start spending?

    • Answer: You can find the status of your award under the ‘Status History’ tab in InfoEd. You can find a step-by-step guide here or reach out to the research concierges and they are happy to assist you. 

Question: I am a PI and will be transferring to another institution. What do I need to consider when transferring out of URI?

    • Answer: It is important to start the process early when a faculty member leaves URI. You can follow the Departing PI Checklist to ensure all aspects of your research are transferred or closed out. The Research Concierge team is available to assist and can help connect you with the individual offices who need to be notified. 

Question: I am applying to a training grant that requires a lot of institutional data and information. Can you help with this?

    • Answer: Yes, the research concierge team can help with contacting the appropriate offices at URI to collect any institutional information needed for a proposal. 

Question: I have an idea for the research concierges. Who do I contact?

    • Answer: Please contact us at We welcome any idea or input to help make the research processes more efficient and effective for faculty and staff.

Question: I have a question that isn’t listed here. Who do I contact?

Please note that the Research Concierges do not replace the functions of existing administrative groups; instead they serve as a key connection point and provide guidance and advocacy for faculty.