Call for Nominations
The Division of Research and Economic Development and the Research Advisory Committee invite nominations for the Research and Scholarship Excellence Awards, which recognize the work of current URI faculty, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, graduate students, & undergraduate students.
Research & Scholarship Excellence Awards
These awards recognize achievement in the nominee’s research, scholarly, or creative activities; demonstrated ability to integrate research, scholarly or creative activities with the instructional mission of the University; and/or leadership in fostering a climate at URI that advances and sustains research, scholarly and creative activities.
Faculty at two different career stages are recognized:
Advanced Career Faculty
This category recognizes established, full-time tenured and full-time research faculty who have made sustained or significant contributions to their field.
- One award in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- One award in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
Early Career Faculty
This category recognizes full-time non-tenured tenure-track or full-time research faculty in the early phase of their careers who have engaged in superior research, scholarly, or creative activities.
- One award in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- One award in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
Nominations for faculty awards will be accepted from faculty and administrators within the URI community. A nomination package prepared by the nominator must include the following:
Nomination package should have three letters as described below.
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages), which can include the signatures of other supporters of the nomination. Please do not include comments from current students. The letter should specify the nominee’s category for nomination, standards for order of authorship in publications in the nominee’s field, accomplishments at URI (as distinct from those prior to arrival at URI) and the evidence for an upward trajectory in research activities and accomplishments.
- An endorsement letter by the Department Chair, or Dean.
- One additional letter in support of the nomination.
- A full CV that includes awards, grants (indicating PI or co-PI status), publications (indicating role), major talks, impactful public scholarship, and professional service with respect to efforts to advance research at URI or in the external scholarly community. Professional service activities may include editorial board service, service as officers in regional or national professional societies, hosting speakers brought to campus, and organization of scholarly events.
Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Staff
These awards recognize achievement in the nominee’s research, scholarly or creative activities, and potential to make a significant contribution to the field in their career. Research Staff are personnel with appointments as Research Assistant, Research Associate, Marine Research Assistant, Marine Research Associate, or Marine Research Specialist.
- One award in the social sciences, arts and humanities.
- One award in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
Nominations for postdoctoral fellow and research staff awards will be accepted from faculty and administrators within the URI community. A nomination package must include:
Nomination package should have three letters as described below.
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages), which can include the signatures of other supporters of the nomination. Please do not include student comments. The letter should specify the nominee’s category for nomination, standards for order of authorship in publications in the nominee’s field, accomplishments at URI (as distinct from those prior to arrival at URI), and the evidence for an upward trajectory in research activities and accomplishments.
- One additional letter in support of the nomination.
- An endorsement letter by the Department Chair, or Dean.
- A full CV that includes awards, any roles on any grants (indicating PI or co-PI status), publications (indicating role), major talks, impactful public scholarship, and professional service with respect to efforts to advance research at URI or in the larger scholarly community. Professional service activities may include editorial board service, service as officers in regional or national professional societies, hosting speakers brought to campus, and organization of scholarly events.
Graduate Student
This category recognizes graduate students who have achieved distinction in their disciplines through their scholarship and creative activity and show potential to make a significant contribution to their field.
- One award in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- One award in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
Nominations for graduate student awards will be accepted from faculty who are involved with the student’s work. A nomination package prepared by the nominator must include the following:
Nomination package should have two letters as described below.
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages), which must specify the nominee’s category for nomination, discuss the nominee’s progress toward their degree, the quality and potential impact of the student’s research, and the nominee’s potential to make a significant contribution to the field.
- The nomination must also include one endorsement letter from the major professor, or Department Chair, or Dean.
- A full CV that includes awards, grants and fellowships, publications (indicating role), impactful public scholarship, and other professional activities.
Undergraduate Student
This category recognizes students who have engaged in the process of planning, researching, and producing a scholarly or creative work.
- One award in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- One award in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering.
Nominations for undergraduate student awards will be accepted from faculty or another research supervisor involved with the student’s work. A nomination package prepared by the nominator must include the following:
Nomination package should have two letters as described below.
- Nomination letter (limited to three pages), which should specify the nominee’s category for nomination and discuss the student’s achievements, how they exceed standard curricular expectations, and how they contribute to the field.
- The nomination must also include one endorsement letter by the Department Chair, or Dean.
- The nominee’s CV or resume.
Nominations must be submitted electronically by noon, 12:00pm Friday, March 28, 2025.
Submit via: InfoReady
Please submit your nominations by the deadline as late submissions cannot be permitted through the portal.
For questions please contact: Melissa McCarthy, Director, University Research External Relations
Division of Research and Economic Development
Nominations are reviewed by the Research Advisory Committee and award recipients will be recommended to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development.
The Research Advisory Committee and/or the Vice President may elect not to select a recipient in any of the categories.
Excellence Award recipients will receive the award, a framed citation, and an Excellence pin.
Faculty will receive $1,000, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Staff, and Graduate Students will receive $500, and Undergraduate Students will receive $250 (taxable income).
Please view our website for a list of prior recipients.
Research & Scholarship Excellence Awards
Call for Nominations Document Check list
Nomination packets must include the information below
Applicant/Nominee First Name
Applicant/Nominee Last Name
Nominee Department
Nominee College
Nominee Email
Nominee Category (i.e. GraduateStudent – Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities) or (GraduateStudent – Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering)
Advanced Career Faculty nominations must include:
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages),
- One additional letters of support,
- An endorsement letter from the Department Chair, or Dean
- Full CV
Early Career Faculty nominations must include:
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages),
- One additional letters of support,
- An endorsement letter from the Department Chair, or Dean
- Full CV
Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Staff nominations must include:
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages),
- One additional letters of support,
- An endorsement letter from a senior faculty member, Department Chair, or Dean
- Full CV
Graduate Student nominations must include:
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages),
- An endorsement letter from the major professor, Department Chair, or Dean
- Full CV
Undergraduate Student nominations must include:
- A nomination letter (limited to three pages),
- An endorsement letter from the Department Chair, or Dean
- Full CV or resume
Nominations must be submitted electronically by noon, 12:00pm Friday, March 28, 2025.
Submit via: InfoReady
Please submit your nominations by the deadline as late submissions cannot be permitted through the portal.
Please view the list of prior recipients by year.