
We accept donations of gift cards, food, personal items, and household supplies.  We ask that you only donate items that are on the list below to minimize waste. Please note that we do not accept expired goods or any food item that is not in its original packaging. Thank you for your support and continue to be safe.

Donation items can be placed inside our Blue and white drop-off box (looks like a shed) in front of the St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, located at 15 Lower College Road. For large donations (over 100 Lbs), please schedule an appointment by emailing us at

Gift card donations can be dropped off at the Memorial Union, Room 302, on the URI Kingston campus or mailed to the following address: Rhody Outpost/302 Memorial Union/ University of Rhode Island/ Kingston, RI 02881

Please click the link below for the most current list of items needed (updated weekly):

Donation items for Rhody Outpost