Featuring a Michelle Le Brun Documentary
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
4 p.m. Reception
4:30–5:45 p.m. Screening followed by Q&A
Edwards Hall, Kingston Campus
Join us for the 2025 Malford Thewlis Lecture on Gerontology and Geriatrics featuring a screening of Michelle Le Brun’s documentary, Optics of Aging. Le Brun, a URI Harrington School of Communication and Media faculty member and the film’s producer, director and cinematographer, will be on hand, along with cast members, for a discussion following the screening.
In Optics of Aging, stereotypes of ageism are dissolved and the beauty of aging is revealed through five elders who have shaped the landscape of Rhode Island and beyond. Their voices take flight against the backdrop of archival imagery that captures the vision of an earlier time.
This event is free and open to the public. Free parking available in Briar Lane Lot behind the Visitors Center
Registration is requested but not required.
About the Thewlis Lecture:
Malford W. Thewlis, MD, a former resident of Wakefield, RI, was a pioneer in the field of geriatric medicine most widely known for co-founding the American Geriatrics Society in 1942 and his manuscript, The Care of the Aged: Geriatrics, which was first published in 1919 under the title, “Geriatrics: A Treatise on the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases of Old Age and the Care of the Aged.”
In honor of Dr. Thewlis, URI established the Malford Thewlis Lecture on Gerontology and Geriatrics in 2006 to help raise awareness, enhance knowledge, and stimulate discussion about issues related to aging, longevity, and health care for older adults.
The event is held annually in the spring and is open to the public.
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