Identifying and Quantifying Drug Metabolism by the Human Gut Microbiome

INVESTIGATOR: Tyler Stack, Providence College MENTOR: Karen Allen, Boston University SCIENTIFIC THEME: Environmental Health Sciences ABSTRACT: A growing field of research is identifying the myriad of ways that gut bacteria affect human health. Among many known roles, these microbes can aid digestion, prevent infections of virulent bacteria, and impact mood by altering hormones. One growing area […]

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Metabolic effect of stress: Sirt 1’s role in brain homeostatic and hedonic nuclei

INVESTIGATOR: Anika Toorie, Rhode Island College THEME: Environmental Health Sciences MENTOR: Elena Oancea, Brown University ABSTRACT:  Adolescence is a critical period of development and stress incurred during this phase can affect immediate and long-term health. Glucocorticoids (GC), produced from activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is critical in the resolution of stress. GC also regulate […]

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