Oxygen generating biomaterials to attenuate UV-induced skin cell damage

Investigator: Yingsheng Wan, Providence College Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: Our previous studies have demonstrated that ultraviolet radiation (UV) induces skin cell damage leading to skin photo-aging and skin cancer. While the cellular and molecular mechanisms are still to be fully elucidated, the leading causes of skin photo-aging and cancer are the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and the […]

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DNA Polymerase Theta and its Potential Role in Cancer

Investigator: Jamie Towle-Weicksel, Rhode Island College Mentor: Sarah Delaney, Brown University Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: DNA is randomly damaged on a daily basis by many factors including environmental exposure and random replicative errors.  This damaged DNA can lead to genomic instability and eventually cancer. The cell copes with this damage through DNA repair pathways and this proposed study focuses […]

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Functional differentiation of the rat posterior parietal cortex

Investigator: Victoria Templer, Providence College Mentor: Rebecca Burwell, Brown Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine the functional contribution of the rat posterior parietal cortex (PPC) to specific forms of information processing and memory. Recent evidence suggests the primate dorsal PPC (dPPC) is involved in top-down attention and may be guiding behavior based […]

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Sustained Intravitreal Drug Delivery Platform for the Treatment of Uveal Melanoma

Investigator: Jie Shen, University of Rhode Island Mentor: Edith Mathiowitz, Brown University Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: Uveal melanoma (UM) is rare yet the most common and malignant primary intraocular tumor in adults. Due to the lack of effective treatment, the mortality rate of UM has remained high over the past few decades. In order to improve the prognosis and […]

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Characterization of Brain Activity in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Investigator: Yalda Shahriari, University of Rhode Island Mentor: Walter Besio, University of Rhode Island Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects muscles and nerves. The average life expectancy of ALS is 2-5 years from the diagnosis. In recent years ALS has been recognized as a multi-system disorder, where not only the […]

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Enhancing the permeability of carbon nanomaterials into tumor spheroid models

Investigator: Daniel Roxbury, University of Rhode Island  Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: The ability to deliver sufficiently high concentrations of chemotherapeutic drugs into patient tumors remains a significant hurdle for the intravenous treatment of solid cancers. Barriers such as a selective endothelium, extracellular matrix, densely packed cancer cells with tight junctions, and high interstitial fluid pressures prohibit the […]

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Deciphering Kingella kingae RTX-toxin regulation

Investigator: Matthew Ramsey, University of Rhode Island Mentor: David Nelson, University of Rhode Island Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Kingella kingae is an emerging pathogen in pediatric infectious diseases that colonizes the throat (oropharynx) of 3-17% of children ~6-60 months asymptomatically and infrequently disseminates from the oropharynx to cause endocardial (heart) or osteoarticular/ osteomyelitic (joint and bone) infection. […]

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Nano-Biomarker Arrays for Cutaneous T-Cell Carcinoma

Investigator: Bernard Munge, Salve Regina University Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: Rapid, extremely sensitive and accurate biosensor arrays for clinical measurements ofbiomarker proteins for early detection and monitoring of cancer are critically important and will lead to inexpensive devices for reliable on-the-spot cancer diagnosis, improved therapeutic outcomes at lower costs, decreased patient stress, and new targeted therapies. Such devices […]

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Effects of Social Status & Facial Attractiveness on Recognition Memory for Faces

Investigator: Thomas Malloy, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract:  Recogniton of another’s face has important implicaitons for social behavior and coordinated action. For example, a physician’s ability to recognize a patient’s face, although treating socres of patients, can affect treatment compliance and patient statisfaction. Two experiments focused on facial and social variables that impact viusal […]

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Phosphonium Tethered Terpyridine Metal Complexes as G4-DNA Binders

Investigator: Chin Hin Leung, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: Guanine-rich DNA quadruplex (G4-DNA) is a form of DNA generally believed to play a crucial role in telomerase activity and certain gene regulations, and has been studied as a potential target for anti-cancer agents. Transition metal containing complexes with a planar environment around the metal center, such […]

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