- Human RNome Project launches at Brown University. “The Warren Alpert Medical School hosted the first international working group meeting for a project that aims to sequence all of humanity’s RNA, mirroring the approach of the Human Genome Project in the 1990s.” (source Brown University)
- The Community College of Rhode Island announced their earning Hispanic-Serving Institution status on April 6th 2023.
- Johnson and Wales University’s new Bachelor of Science in nursing degree will begin with the first cohort of students in fall 2023. The accelerated, four-semester program, approved by Rhode Island’s Board of Nursing Registration & Nursing Education (September 2022), includes in-class instruction and clinical hours supervised by faculty, and is designed for students that already completed an undergraduate program and met the prerequisite courses.
- Bryant University launched the new School of Health and Behavioral Sciences in the summer of 2022, which houses the Physician Assistant program and the departments of Psychology and Biological and Biomedical Sciences. A $200,000 grant from the Fred M. Roddy Foundation, a non-profit organization supporting medicine, health care, and education, is helping to fund the laboratory equipment for the Center for Health and Behavioral Science. Summer 2022
- Providence College’s new School of Nursing and Health Sciences was granted approval by the Rhode Island Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education (September 2022). The college will begin enrolling students for the new programs in the fall of 2023, offering a bachelor of science nursing degree program, and a bachelor’s degree in health sciences, along with the existing health policy and management major.
- Rhode Island College is the state’s first higher education institution to earn Hispanic-Serving Institution status. May 2022
2021 and prior
- Brown University ranks No. 14 nationally in U.S. News’ 2020 Best Colleges report. 09/14/20
- The Community College of Rhode Island, the Nation’s ‘2-Year College of the Year’ . 12/09/19
- The Community College of Rhode Island joins network in federally-funded biomedical research collaborative. 11/05/19
- President Marc Parlange leads the University of Rhode Island. 08/02/21
- URI President David M. Dooley shares his June retirement plans. 05/18/21
- Sharon Rounds, MD, has been named program director of Advance-CTR. 05/01/21.
- Salve Regina University ranked among nation’s best colleges in U.S. News survey. 09/14/20
- Five questions with Glenn Sulmasy, Provost/CAO, Bryant University. 03/02/21