Public Safety and Crime

This database contains information on all 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island, including life expectancy and other population health indicators, social and economic conditions, environmental characteristics, demographic information, crime, and other information. You can download the entire data set or filter the data for your own analysis.

Rhode Island ranks seventh on the List of Safest States, published by US News and World Reports. FBI statistics show that there are 3,091 total law enforcement employees and 1,660 firefighters as of 2017.


Highest violent crime rates (per 1,000)
Central Falls 7.33
Providence 6.37
Woonsocket 5.35
New Shoreham 4.23
Pawtucket 4.05
Lowest violent crime rates (per 1,000)
Richmond (tie) 0.00
Little Compton (tie) 0.00
East Greenwich 0.08
North Kingstown 0.34


Higher life expectancy was found in cities and towns with lower crime rates. This was true for all crime rates provided (overall violent crime, murder, rape, aggravated assault, overall property crime, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson).

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