Population Health

This database contains information on all 39 cities and towns in Rhode Island, including life expectancy and other population health indicators, social and economic conditions, environmental characteristics, demographic information, crime, and other information. You can download the entire data set or filter the data for your own analysis.

Although there is variation among Rhode Island cities and towns in terms of population health, overall, Rhode Island has the fourteenth-lowest death rate and the thirteenth-highest life expectancy of all 50 United States, and has the third-lowest death rate among all six New England states. It also is tied for sixth-lowest percent of uninsured population and the sixth-lowest teen birth rate in the country. Rhode Island has an extensive network of modern healthcare facilities, concentrated in the capital of Providence.

This section includes information on life expectancy at birth, life expectancy at age 65, and age-standardized mortality rates (ASMR) for each city and town in Rhode Island. The ASMR is the death rate per 100,000 people after accounting for age differences among cities and towns.


Highest mortality rates (per 100,000)
West Greenwich 1029.6
West Warwick 985.2
Lowest mortality rates (per 100,000)
East Greenwich 782.8


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