“Effects of upper ocean turbulence on biogeochemical tracers”
Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 2 pm
Coastal Institute Auditorium, URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography
215 South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI 02882

Please join us this Thursday, May 2, 2019, 2 pm , at the URI/GSO Coastal Institute Auditorium for a seminar by C-AIM postdoctoral fellowship finalist Dr. Katherine Smith entitled, “Effects of upper ocean turbulence on biogeochemical tracers”.
Dr. Smith is currently a research associate of the University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and the Environmental and Industrial Fluid Dynamics research groups. Her current research interests lie primarily in using numerical methods to model turbulent reactive flows applicable to ocean geophysical processes. She is specifically focused on two main research thrusts:
Exploring interactions between multi-scale physical processes and biogeochemical tracers, such as phytoplankton, nutrients, carbon dioxide, and particulate organic matter, using high-fidelity large eddy simulation and direct numerical simulation models, for the purpose of improving sub-grid scale parameterizations.
Developing reduced order ocean biogeochemical models, calibrating and validating them using observational data, and coupling them to both large and small scale physical models.
As a C-AIM postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Smith will contribute to the improvement of the Ocean State Ocean Model (OSOM) , C-AIM’s open source, ‘end-to-end’ ecosystem model, both through the incorporation of observational data using data assimilation techniques as well as through improving the connectivity of the ecological and physical components of the model.
She also has keen interests in supporting and mentoring future underrepresented minority scientists, and in public outreach and scientific education, all of which are important elements of the C-AIM program.
Click for campus map (Coastal Institute circled in red), as well as directions to the URI GSO.
See you Thursday!
Best Regards,
Dr. Lewis Rothstein
Co-Principal Investigator, RI C-AIM
Professor, URI Graduate School of Oceanography