Plastic waste in construction materials: Environmental implications (P19)


Vinka Craver-Oyanedel, Kayla Kurtz & Sirri Neba Nforsoh, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Rhode Island

Project Location

University of Rhode Island – Kingston

Project Description

Background and hypotheses: Numerous efforts are underway to investigate the integration of marine plastic waste into construction materials. However, implementing this concept has challenges, including issues related to sorting, material characterization, additive composition, and their influence on material performance. Our working hypothesis postulates that the composition and properties of the waste plastic could facilitate the precise adjustment of construction material properties and performance according to the requirements of specific applications.

Goals/expectations: this summer we are planning to improve our processes to implement several formulations used on a variety of current construction materials

Specific tasks: Plastic waste sorting, characterization, and processing. Assessing structural properties and environmental performance of construction materials

This project involves field and lab work

Required/Preferred skills

– Not scared to be dirty! We will very likely sort and process plastic waste collecting during beach cleaning efforts
– Resourceful and ready to help solve a variety of possible issues through our long and complex workflow
– Laboratory or machine shop experience useful

Will the project require transportation to field sites? No

Is this project open to Surf Flex? No

In which core facilities might student conduct research? Marine Science Research Facility @ URI-GSO, RI Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

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