
2021 RI NSF EPSCoR/RI C-AIM Research Symposium

Soundbites are two-minute flash talks that give RI C-AIM investigators the unique opportunity to highlight their research and broader impacts work throughout our research community.

How it works

  • Register for our 2021 RI C-AIM Research Symposium and agree to give a Soundbite by Thursday, March 25
  • Submit pre-recorded, two-minute Soundbites video (in .mp4 or .mov format) by Wednesday, April 7
  • Get feedback via the Youtube comment section on your privately posted Soundbites video in the weeks prior to the Symposium
  • Attend our 2021 RI NSF EPSCoR/RI C-AIM Research Symposium on Wednesday, April 28 and talk about your work with other investigators and stakeholders from across Rhode Island during the “Soundbites Networking” session

URI’s Metcalf Institute is hosting our RI C-AIM Soundbites Workshop on Friday, March 26, 9-11 am, for investigators who want to learn best practices for giving an effective two-minute talk. Learn more and register.

Kim Visathon
RI C-AIM & URI GSO post-doctoral fellow Dr. Jongsun Kim’s project, “Narragansett Bay Zonation,” for the 2020 Vis-a-Thon.

Please keep submissions to exactly two-minutes. Any video longer than the required time will be cut off. Although presenters are welcome to video record their Soundbite on a platform of their choosing, we suggest using Zoom or another web conferencing program.

Once received by RI C-AIM, video Soundbite submissions will be posted privately on Youtube three weeks prior to the symposium and shared with attendees for viewing and commenting. This virtual format is a great way for presenters to receive constructive feedback from the diverse voices of our research community.

We highly encourage submissions from any faculty member, post-doc or student* conducting RI C-AIM research. Students who have also participated in RI C-AIM programming, such as the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), the RI C-AIM Career Development Program, and Vis-a-Thon, are also encouraged to give a Soundbite based on those professional development activities.

*Any RI C-AIM investigator who gives a Soundbite presentation is exempt from submitting a poster


Questions? Contact RI NSF EPSCoR/RI C-AIM Communications & Outreach Coordinator Shaun Kirby at