Core Programs

Opportunities for faculty and students to conduct better research, broaden mindsets around RI Science & Technology

This past August, the U.S. National Science Foundation announced new funding for Rhode Island’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program aimed at building fundamental research capacity and competitiveness in states that have historically received less research funding from the agency.

The RI Network for Excellence in Science and Technology (RI-NEST) is a $8 million initiative over four years that will strengthen research infrastructure and capacity in RI, alongside the Narragansett Indian Tribe and its people, and position the state to develop  use-inspired research as well as societal and economic growth into the future.

EPSCoR Live! (Monthly; see website)
NSF EPSCoR is hosting virtual forums to enable conversation about NSF programs, policies, and updates. Researchers, educators, and leaders within research administration, especially those in EPSCoR jurisdictions, are welcome to join these events to learn more about the latest programs and news and to engage in Q&A with EPSCoR Program Officers. Visit the EPSCoR Live! webpage for more info.

Past Sessions

RII-NEST Strategic Planning Workshop, Dec. 4-5, (URI)
Faculty, researchers, and staff from across Rhode Island will discuss maximizing current research and broader impacts activities through RII-NEST and beyond, as well as identify strengths and challenges to delivering quality research and economic development opportunities within the state. View Agenda

Transitioning from Track-1 to E-CORE and E-RISEApril 05, 2024

General RI NSF EPSCoR Resources


RI NSF EPSCoR aims to host events that enable individuals of all abilities to participate fully and equally. If you need accommodation or have questions about accessibility, contact RI NSF EPSCoR Project Administrator Howard J. Dooley, Jr. at