Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory

49 Fogarty Hall, 41 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881


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Rhode Island Seal

All RISCL cases, routine or priority, are to be submitted and/or retrieved BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

Please call 401-874-5227 (874-LABS) to schedule an appointment to drop off or pick up evidence.

All evidence to be submitted to the RISCL must be processed through the Prelog Web Portal (click on the link to go to the Prelog web page).

Review, if necessary, the Prelog instructions or view the Prelog User Training Video presented on July 16, 2020 by the Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory Staff.

If you need any assistance with Prelog or to obtain a username and password, contact Amy Duhaime at 874-4114 or asduhaime@uri.edu

All submissions of exhibits must be connected to a criminal investigation. No evidence will be analyzed for private individuals or corporations. At this time, the RISCL does not accept any evidence by email submission. The officer/submitting agency must take care to ensure that the evidence will not be lost, damaged, or contaminated and that the chain of custody will be as short as possible. It is equally important to recognize and observe that proper safety precautions have been used at all times not only in the collection of evidence but also when submitting evidence to the RISCL.

The Evidence Submission Manual and Prelog User Guide describes the general requirements for submitting evidence to the laboratory. Additional special instructions will be given in each service area. Please refer to these instructions before submitting any evidence.

All evidence submitted to the RISCL will be through the Prelog web portal.  The portal provides a means for law enforcement personnel in Rhode Island to record or “log” evidence into the web based portal prior to delivery to the crime laboratory. The Prelogging process benefits both the laboratory and the law enforcement agency by offering several services:

  • Time spent at the laboratory delivering cases will be reduced.
  • Law enforcement personnel will be able to use the portal to view the status of evidence delivered to the laboratory. 

User may learn:

  • If evidence items have been Prelogged.
  • If evidence items have been received by the laboratory.
  • If a laboratory analyst has been assigned to the case.
  • If a report has been written, etc.
  • Law enforcement personnel will be able to download and store electronic copies of approved laboratory report.
  • Law enforcement personnel will be able to query Prelogged cases by various criteria including: location, PD case number, case officer’s name, RISCL lab case number, submitting officer’s name, offense type, or the date the case was completed.





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