The RISCL offers a range of scientific services for all appropriate agencies investigating evidence related to federal, state or local crimes. Not all services are available onsite and services offered may change from time to time depending on the availability of scientific expertise. However, evidence may be delivered to the laboratory for transfer to the appropriate laboratory which does offer the requested service(s).
Services Performed by the RISCL
Firearms and Tool Marks
- Distance Determination
- Firearms examination including test fire for operability
- IBIS/NIBIN database entry
- Magazine Capacity
- Microscopic Comparisons
- Serial Number Restorations
- Tool Marks – Examination and Comparisons
Latent Prints
- Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)
- Latent Print Processing
- Latent Print Comparisons
Trace Evidence
- Fibers
- Fire Debris
- Footwear Impressions – Examination and Comparisons
- Hair-screening for DNA Suitability and Comparisons
- Paints and Coatings
- Pressure Sensitive Tape
- Primer Gunshot Residue
Functions of the RISCL
In accordance with the State of Rhode Island General Laws, Title 12 Criminal Procedure Chapter 12-1.2, ยง12-1.2-3 Functions of the state crime laboratory. – The state crime laboratory shall be responsible for:
- Technical services – examine and evaluate physical evidence collected at the scene of a crime or related to a crime.
- Examine evidence upon submission by the state and local fire departments and law enforcement agencies.
- Assure the safe custody of that evidence.
- Submit written reports of the results of examinations of evidence to the agency.
- Request the services of qualified consultants when necessary.
- Furnish expert forensic testimony.
- Assist in crime scene processing.
- Offer a training course in scientific criminal investigation each year to all state and local enforcement divisions.
- Offer in-service courses in specialty areas of criminal investigations.
- Upon request, conduct training with police science for state and local Police Academy classes.
- Conduct ongoing research in the areas of forensic sciences.