University Archives

Agronomy Station Field Books, University of Rhode Island
Rec. Gr. 146; 1929-1958; 3 linear feet

Alumni Affairs, Department of
Rec.Gr.106; 1958-2004; 37.25 linear feet

Army Specialized Training Program, 1941-1946, Records of,
Rec.Gr.118; 1941-1946; 1.5 linear feet

Archives (Miscellaneous)
Rec.Gr.137; 1863-1992; 16 linear feet

Association of Clerical and Technical Workers,
National Education Association (ACT/NEA) Oral History Project

Mss.Gr.65; 1974-1980: 1 linear foot

Bicentennial Committee, University of Rhode Island
Rec.Gr.116A; 1973–1977; 4.5 linear feet

Bohnert, Lea (Professor of Library Science) Papers
Mss.Gr.92; 1947–1989; 30 linear feet

Bureau of Government Research, Records of
Rec.Gr.14; 1959-1983; .5 linear feet

Christopher, Everett P. (Professor of Horticulture) Papers
Mss.Gr.80; 1906-1974; 2.5 linear feet

College Policy, Committee on 
Rec.Gr.131; 1948-1960; 1.5 linear feet

Continuing Education, College of 
The Relocation of the College
Rec.Gr.4; 1987-1996; 2.25 linear feet

Communication, Department of – News Bureau
Rec.Gr.135; Rec.Gr.135.2; 1990s-2006; 6 linear feet
Rec.Gr.135.4; 1972-2009; 2 linear feet
Rec.Gr.135.6; 1976-2010; 32 linear feet

Coordinator of Research:
Mabel D. Eldred, Records of
Rec.Gr.133; 1936-1945; 0.25 linear feet

Faculty Senate
Rec.Gr.113; 1956-2000; 92 linear feet

Fraternities and Sororities at the University of Rhode Island
Rec.Gr.172; 1910-1983; 3 linear feet

Graduate Student Association
Rec.Gr.140; 1966-1987; 12.25 linear feet

Intergovernmental Policy Analysis Program (IPAP), Records of
Rec.Gr.128; 1977–1997; 141.25 linear feet

International Center for Marine Resource Development (ICMRD)
1970-1989, Records of the

Rec.Gr.81; 1970-1989; 32 linear feet

Legacies of the Vietnam War: Colloquium Series
Rec.Gr.136; 1999; 1.5 linear feet

Lippitt Prize Essays, A Guide to the Student and
Rec.Gr.141; 1894-1901; 1 linear foot

Moore, Jean (President’s Assistant), Records of the
Rec.Gr.6; 1982-1999; 4.25 linear feet

Music, Department of, Records
Rec.Gr.37; 1871-1998 (bulk 1922-1998); 13.5 linear feet

Multicultural Center Records
Rec.Gr.5; 1956-2004; 24 linear feet
Civil Rights Oral History

Newman, Frank (President) Papers
Mss.Gr.152; 1948-1987; 10.5 linear feet

Nursing, College of
Rec.Gr.70; 1939-1978 (bulk 1950-1970); 31.50 linear feet

Oceanography, Graduate School of
Rec.Gr.80; 1935-1998;138.5 linear feet

Oceanography, Graduate School of Interviews
Rec.Gr.138; 1999; 7 digital videocassettes; no transcripts

Pezzulo, Thomas (Vice President, University Relations) Papers
Mss.Gr.111; 1973 – 1990; 7 linear feet

Phi Kappa Phi, URI Chapter of
Rec.Gr.116; 1912-1993; 5 linear feet

Photography, Radio and Television
Rec.Gr.109; 1943–1987; 9 linear feet

President’s Assistant, Jean Moore, Records of the
Rec.Gr.6; 1982-1999; 4.25 linear feet

Provost, Records of the Office of the Rec.Gr.2
2.1 Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs
(William Ferrante Papers) 1960-1997; 242 linear feet
2.2; 1945-1997;100 linear feet
2.3; 1972-2002; 127.75 linear feet

Registrar, Office of the

ROTC Hall of Fame
Rec.Gr.139; 2001-2003; .5 linear feet

The Rhode Island Partnership for Research
on Women and Gender

Rec.Gr.176; 1994-2003; 3.5 linear feet

Rhode Island State College Early Recordings
Rec.Gr.143; 1948-1950; .25 linear foot

Sports Information, Office of
Athletics Department
Rec.Gr.100; 1896–1999; 67.5 linear feet

Student and Lippitt Prize Essays
Rec.Gr.141; 1894-1901; 1 linear foot

Student Senate
Rec.Gr.124.1; 1957-1988; 33.5 linear feet
Rec.Gr.124.2; 1964-2008; 11.5 linear feet

Triangle Club, Records of
Mss.Gr.131; 1910-1985; 2.75 linear feet

Tucker, Lucy Comins (Registrar) Records
Rec.Gr.132; 1899- 1958; 1 linear foot

University Libraries
Rec.Gr.74; 1925–1973; 7.5 linear feet

URI Crime Lab: Robert Hathaway,
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Bullet and Rifle Test
News Article Collection

Mss.Gr.166; 1996-1997; 1 linear foot

University Student Photo Album,
Scrapbook and Memorabilia Collection

Rec.Gr.25; 1906-1999; 11.25 linear feet

Watson House Committee, Records of
Rec.Gr.114; 1962- 2002; 1.5 linear feet

Women’s Studies, Records of
Rec.Gr.110; 1974-2000; 11 linear feet

Zoology, Department of
Rec.Gr.47; 1936-1989; 35.5 linear feet

Eligible users and restrictions on use:
Any qualified person doing scholarly research is permitted to use material housed in the Special Collections Unit.

Before beginning research, everyone is required to sign the “Research and Guest Register.” A Research Form must be completed if the researcher is using manuscript or archival collections. Collections are used under specific restrictions and may not be removed from the Reading Room area or borrowed from the collections. Permission may be granted to obtain photocopies of items in the collections. A fee is charged for this service and the copying is performed by the staff.

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