2.25′ (4.5 Boxes)




The Speeches/Addresses series consists of speeches that Chafee made he was while Secretary of the Navy. These speeches were made mainly to military organizations and involved dedications, ceremonies, naval social events, or conferences. He also spoke to organizations who were associated with the military, such as various civic groups and manufacturers. In addition, he spoke to academic institutions and schools. The series is arranged in chronological order. 

Also included with the speeches is a schedule of when the speeches were given; this schedule is placed at the beginning of the year. Many of the speeches were bound in three ring binders, but have been removed and placed in folders.

Chafee, or someone from his staff, also kept the speeches of Senator Charles Percy of Illinois. Percy was a Republican from Illinois who gained distinction by carrying every county in Illinois when he was elected in 1972. He, like Chafee, gained strong support from both liberals and conservatives, as well as the votes of many independents and some Democrats.



11 116 Speeches, Schedule of 1969 1969
   117 Speeches Feb. 4-June 4, 1969
  118 Speeches June 17-Sept 23, 1969
  119 Speeches Oct 1-14, 1969
  120 Speeches Oct 15-27, 1969
  121 Speeches Nov 10-Dec 19, 1969
  122 Speeches, Schedule of 1970 1970
  123 Speeches Jan 7-Feb 18, 1970
  124 Speeches Feb 19-Mar 4, 1970
 12 125 Speeches Mar 12-25, 1970
  126 Speeches Apr 19- 22, 1970
  127 Speeches May 3-16, 1970
  128 Speeches May 17-31, 1970
  129 Speeches June 3-July 22, 1970
  130 Speeches Aug 11, Sept 14-30, 1970
  131 Speeches Oct 3-17, 1970
  132 Speeches Oct 22-29, 1970
13 133 Speeches Nov 17-Dec 16, 1970
  134 Speeches, Schedule for 1971 1971
  135 Speeches Jan 12-19, 1971
  136 Speeches Mar 3-17, 1971
  137 Speeches Apr 20-May 6, 1971
  138 Speeches May 7-29, 1971
  139 Speeches June 5-July 21, 1971
140 Speeches Aug 3-Sept 22, 1971
14 141 Speeches Oct 1-26, 1971
  142 Speeches Nov 4-Dec 30, 1971
  143 Speeches, Schedule for 1972 1972
  144 Speeches Jan 27-Feb 4, 1972
  145 Speeches Feb 9-11, 1972
  146 Speeches Feb 17-29, 1972
  147 Speeches Mar 7-8, 1972
  148 Speeches Mar 10-22, 1972
15 149 Speeches Apr 9-May 4, 1972
  150 Speeches, Senator Charles Percy Feb-Dec 1971
  151 Speeches, Senator Charles Percy Jan-Apr 1972
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