If you are experiencing financial strain due to circumstances beyond your control that may require intervention and/or additional support, there are several resources that may be available to support the financial needs of students. The University cannot support student financial strain caused by a student supporting others beyond themselves.

Short Term Loans
Student Short Term emergency loans offer temporary financial assistance to URI students facing immediate and unexpected financial hardships, ensuring they can address urgent needs without hindering their academic progress. These loans provide a lifeline during times of crisis, fostering resilience and enabling students to navigate challenges with greater stability and support.
Short Term Loans
Students First Fund
The Student First Fund was developed as an initiative between the Division of Student Affairs and the URI Foundation in 2014 to provide emergency financial support to URI students with demonstrated need.
The aid provided is intended for unforeseen emergencies (i.e. car accidents, fires, travel home following a traumatic loss, health/safety concerns). *Applications are subject to committee review and are not guaranteed to be funded*.
Eligible applicants must:
- be in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA),
- have applied for financial aid and not have lost aid due to any actions of their own,
- have exhausted all financial aid options (e.g. subsidized and unsubsidized loans),
- have sought employment,
- not be enrolled at another institution.

Financial Literacy
The Rhody Financial Education Center supports students by offering virtual financial literacy modules to help with your financial decisions while at URI. The virtual center can help you learn about financial resources, how to create a budget and ways to save. Interested? Visit the RI Financial Education Center website!
URI Money Basics
Graduate Students
The Graduate School has a fund intended to assist graduate students with financial hardship. Hardship can be caused from exceptional expenses or unplanned academic situations beyond what a student’s income or savings can support.
URI Graduate School Financial Hardship Fund