Start: 3:04pm Attendance: Pishdadian, Sit , Kappatos, McAteer, Mendez, Berenato, Blanchette (Sit taking mintues – Weinreich Absent) Committee Discussion Sports Medicine Kinesiology majors can go onto do a lot of professions o Show people about the different kinds of positions and careers available o How to be successful in health professions o Educate people […]
Continue reading "SOARC 11-26-2012"Category: SOARC
SOARC 9-10-2012
MEETING START TIME: 3:00 pm ATTENDANCE: Blanchette, Pishdadian, Rossi, Sit, Weinreich COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: PAIDEA: Met with the President and Treasurer of PAIDEA. PAIDEA is a Hellenic organization that focuses on Greek culture. They host fundraising events such as Greek dinners, parades, and dances. They are currently constructing a building for their organization that is […]
Continue reading "SOARC 9-10-2012"SOARC 9-17-2012
MEETING START TIME: 3:00 pm ATTENDANCE: Blanchette, Pishdadian, Rossi, Sit, Weinreich COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Facing AIDS: Facing AIDS seeks to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS in developing countries through fundraising and events. The organization has an executive committee of coordinators who are in charge of different aspects such as P.R. and education that each […]
Continue reading "SOARC 9-17-2012"SOARC 10-1-2012
MEETING START TIME: 3:00pm ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Sit, Weinreich (Sit taking minutes – Blanchette Absent) COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Slam Poetry Slam Poetry is a performance poetry Activities Shows at the Coffee House Slams as fundraisers Bring in professionals Member attendance 24 people o 10 people at the first meeting o 16 people from Student Orgs […]
Continue reading "SOARC 10-1-2012"SOARC 11-12-2012
MEETING START TIME: November 12, 2012 | 3:00 pm ATTENDANCE: Berenato, Kappatos, McAteer, Sit, Weinreich, Pishdadian, Mendez ABSENCES: Excused: Blanchette COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: iScribe Former Chair Roy – didn’t want to keep them as R because we may not have money in contingency for them Not about how much money they get as budget No matter […]
Continue reading "SOARC 11-12-2012"SOARC 11-19-2012
START TIME: 3:01 pm ATTENDANCE: McAteer, Weinreich, Blanchette, Mendez, Kappatos, Berenato, Pishdadian, Sit COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Pharmaceutical Science Club Previous Club The previous club was defunct and disbanded o Current club carried over none of the members from the previous club Advisor Dr. King wants to be very involved Sdf Unite the major […]
Continue reading "SOARC 11-19-2012"SOARC 1-28-2013
MEETING START TIME: 12:00 PM ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Blanchette, Sit, Mendez, McAteer Excused: Weinreich Absent: Kappatos COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Rework question 8- Mandatory fill out president, vice president, secretary, treasurer Groups applying for new category must say which one they want Discuss bylaw changes next week when full committee is here Two groups will come next week […]
Continue reading "SOARC 1-28-2013"SOARC 2-4-2013
MEETING START TIME: 12:00 PM ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Blanchette, Sit, Kappatos, Berenato, McAteer Excused: Weinreich COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Cheer club: Fixed issue with elections Motion to recognize at category R (6-0-0) Collegiate Science Math Investigative Learning Experience (S.M.I.L.E.) Grades 4 to 12, promote stem careers for children. Help mentor, guide them towards stem careers. Help […]
Continue reading "SOARC 2-4-2013"SOARC 4-15-2013
START TIME: 12:04pm ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Sit, McAteer, St. Jean, Weinreich, Britto [Sit taking minutes] Excused: Kappatos, Unexcused: Thees COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: 1)Ramblings A new student run magazine A Weekly or a Monthly More content than the Cigar per issue Closely resembles another news outlet – the Cigar More of a magazine style than a newspaper Depends […]
Continue reading "SOARC 4-15-2013"SOARC 4-22-2013
START TIME: 12:03pm ATTENDANCE: Pishdadian, Sit, McAteer, Weinreich, Kappatos, Conti [Sit taking minutes] Unexcused: Britto COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: 1)Last meeting Kyle – if you have your schedule set, please send it to me Email it to me! Conti – “I’ll know when my internship schedule is by the first week of May.” o Can […]
Continue reading "SOARC 4-22-2013"