SOARC 2-6-18



Committee: Austin Cordova, Caroline Farrow, Lexi Evers, Jenny Kohl, John Morabito Ryan Bjorklund,

Absent Wahab Alquirtas, Amanda Marino, Mark Gall, Mikaela Strobel, Ben Bennett


Student Senate

  • Vice President of the Student Body
    • Provided hardcopy documentation of the position existing for 3 semesters including bylaws. Elected through an internal election held up to senate standards. Position half filled by Percy and half filled by Donnelly for the current academic year. Participates in the proceedings of senate as the moderator. Looks over agenda prior, any special events noted prior to going to the senate floor. Manages the general and committee meeting attendance records. If someone is approaching a rules and ethics complaint for attendance purposes he keeps senators informed. Member of the executive board and attends executive meetings every Monday in addition to voting on bills in exec. Acts as the president of the senate in the event the president is unable to fulfill his duties. If the president isn’t available VP can speak on behalf of the student senate. Serving on the committee that is selecting the commencement speaker. Holds drive folder that holds all the applications for commencement which are reviewed before March 3 Recruits people to apply for the commencement. Controls the Student Senate and Zompa scholarship. Established senate retreat. In charge of first night advertisement and social events planning including formal. Can appoint and remove members of standing sub committees. Ensures that everyone follows their bylaws during meetings and outside of the office. Files rules and ethics complaint when members are not fulfilling their bylaws. Works with coordinator to plan when elections are supposed to be held and advises DOC on recruitment tactics. Maintains internal group dynamics and meeting conflicts; works as a mediator between chair members. Hosts progression meeting; opportunity to get to know senators at an “eye to eye” level. Holds 5+ office hours.
    • Vote: (4-0-1)


  • Editor in Chief of the Yearbook
    • Position in charge of making sure that the yearbook gets published in a timely fashion. Delegates tasks to other members. Puts together sections of the yearbook. Responsible for reaching out to photographer who does senior portraits. Books rooms. Meetings with photographer and rep from Jostens (publisher) at least once a semester. Point person for any members with questions. Works first night and recruitment. Responsible for budgets and any other paperwork required of senate. Pays bills to Jostens. Office hours in the yearbook office 4+ hours but works on yearbook remotely. Constantly answering questions/emails from any of the students, parents, and members on campus. Packages and deposits checks for any sale order of old yearbooks. Elections held up to senate standards through a secret google form.
    • Relationship between yearbook and Jostens: representation meets with her at the beginning of the year. Jostens has access to the website and the book; representative can help with senior portraits and putting them in the book.
    • (5-0-0)

Student Senate

  • External Chair
    • Bylaw concerned with anything that occurs off campus. Committee takes on issues including housing (student rentals). Most of time directed towards student housing due to the lack of resources provided on campus. Created renting magnets with details about how to rent. Deals with meetings within the government, including the Narraganset town council to create a relationship between the town and senate that has not existed before. A position that was recently created is the liaison position with the town council. Relationship with vice president of student affairs. Ordinance proposal that was proposed in Narraganset preventing 4 unrelated people form living together that they are working to prevent from being enacted. Volunteers for Rhody Outpost working to prevent food insecurities. Position is very open-ended. Holds 4+ office hours a week on Tuesdays and Fridays this semester. Attends the exec meetings of student senate on Monday nights in addition to the general senate meeting and the committee meetings. Schedules meetings throughout the week with governmental and student organizations on and off campus. Elected during the annual meeting at the end of March; elections held to student senate standards.
    • (4-0-1)

Student Senate

  • Treasurer
    • Holds 5+ office hours a week. Responsible for all of senates internal accounts, specifically administration. Purchases student senate programing. Oversees SOLC budget. Holds joint signature power with the president over the internal accounts of student senate. Upkeep of daily operations of senate regarding money. Prepares annual budget on behalf of student senate to be submitted to the Finance Chair. Ensures budget lines properly used. Attends weekly exec meetings. Keeps auditing status up to date. Provided evidence of the positions through SOARC minutes from the past several years. Elected during a midyear internal election, answered questions from senators, held up to student senate standards.
    • (4-0-1)
  • Cultural Committee Chair
    • Presented Bylaws. Build and maintain inclusive campus through events, equal opportunity. Serves as point person between students and administration recording diversity and equity concerns. Main focus to create and maintain a inclusive campus. Complete office hours 3+ hours a week answering emails and checking cultural complaint box. Establishes events to promote inclusion. In contact with chairs around campus to cosponsor events. Serves on different planning committees, like the Public Safety Committee. Maintains campus traditions including Ace of Cakes, Monthly Diversity Events, Rhody Paws, Mental Health Form. Nominated and Elected by senate standards.
    • (4-0-1)
  • Campus Chair
    • Democratically elected through an internal election to represent the individuals in the URI community. Host diversity events, the safety and lighting walk, Fall Fest, and Stress Relief Days. AS campus chair the bylaws state that the chair is concerned with student life of a non-academic nature like public safety, dining service, and parking. Campus chair is a voice for students answering their questions and concerns and bring them to the general senate. Position’s duties include working with faculty and directors to fight for change on campus. Vast campus with many things happening and there needs to be a voice to keep everything consolidates. Works with student life on campus including commuters. Provided proof of previous semesters work including reports of the night walk and previous minutes. Campus committee meetings important because they are an opportunity to discuss issues pertaining to life on campus (provided a list of current issues). Holds 3+ office hours a week, attends exec, campus meetings, and general meetings.
    • (4-0-1)