Know your Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the sex (gender) of employees and students of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance.

Title IX’s prohibition of sex discrimination includes prohibition of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Sexual harassment is any unsolicited or unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It can include unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct, request for sexual favors and physical behaviors that range from sexual gestures or teasing to sexual assault, acts of sexual violence and sexually coerced activity.

Our policy

The University of Rhode Island does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence of any kind. To ensure compliance with Title IX and other federal and state civil rights laws, the University’s Title IX coordinator and deputy coordinators are charged with monitoring compliance with Title IX and ensuring that reports of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence are investigated and addressed by the University. For more information regarding sexual violence and sexual assault, visit Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services.

Title IX Coordinators

Emily Douglas

Title IX Coordinator

401.874.5780 –
Keith Labelle

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Education, Outreach & Training

401.874.5222 –
Dorca Paulino-Smalley

Director, Office of Equal Opportunity/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.4929 –
Matthew Bodah

Vice Provost, Academic Personnel & Budget/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.2497 –
Danielle Dennis

Dean, College of Education and Professional Studies/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.4200 –
Kacey Light

Chief NCAA Compliance Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.5457 –
Kathleen Shannon

Assistant to the VP for Strategic Initiatives/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.2408 –
Paula Bontempi

Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

401.874.6222 –

Any student, faculty, or staff member with questions or concerns about the applicable University policies or who believes that he or she has been the victim of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence is encouraged to contact the University’s Title IX coordinator. Individuals with questions or concerns about violations of the student code specifically should contact the Title IX coordinator or the Office of Student Affairs and also may want to review the University Student Handbook.

Policy and grievance process

The University’s Title IX policy and procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging any action that would be prohibited by Title IX, as well as a grievance process that complies with the Title IX regulations as they pertain to formal complaints. The University’s Title IX policy and grievance procedures describe the grievance procedures and grievance process, including how to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, and how the University will respond. 

Training Materials

Additional resources