Leonie Otte

  • PhD Student in Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Summer 2022 - Current


Hi everyone! My name is Leonie Otte, and I am from Braunschweig, Germany. I am an international graduate student and a Fulbright scholar at the University of Rhode Island.

My study field is Industrial, Systems, and Mechanical Engineering. In my undergraduate studies, I focused on battery cell manufacturing in digitalization, quality control, and discrete-event simulation in the automotive industry.

During my dual-degree master’s program between the University of Rhode Island and Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany, I started in the SIS-Lab. After my two master’s degrees, I decided to stay in Rhode Island for my Ph.D. I am working on my master’s and Ph.D. degree with URI VOTES. I am looking into the Vote-by-Mail process and how I can improve this process with engineering methods.

I enjoy applying my knowledge from previous research and projects in the field of voting and elections.

Out of school, I am doing horseback riding, dancing, yoga, running, and engaging in the Society of Women Engineers, IISE, and the German Carnival Club.