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Student Child Care Assistance Grants

A pilot program offering financial assistance to eligible undergraduate student parents.


The University of Rhode Island recognizes the unique challenges that may exist for students who are also parents of young children.  In order to assist student parents who are struggling financially with child care expenses, the URI Work-Life Committee, in collaboration with the Office of Enrollment Services and Office of Student Affairs, offers limited financial assistance to eligible student parents.

Application Criteria

To apply, students must:

  1. Be the parent of a child or children under the age of 12 (or 19 if special needs), either single or partnered with an employed or student partner
  2. Be a matriculated undergraduate student taking at least 6 credits
  3. Demonstrate financial need as determined by the URI Office of Enrollment Services based on the student’s filing of the completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA)
  4. For returning students, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status
  5. Complete and submit an online application form, which includes a statement of existing or anticipated child care expenses, and a copy of the child(ren)’s birth certificate(s)

Submission Instructions  

The application and copy of the child(ren)’s birth certificate(s) must be submitted, either electronically to worklife@etal.uri.edu or in person to URI Work-Life Committee, Hart House, 36 Upper College Road.  Only one award per family per semester will be considered.  Applications will be considered for the current semester or up to four months in advance. For the first pilot year of the program, applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served, rolling deadline basis until funds are expended.

Application Review

Each application will be reviewed by an Advisory Committee and each applicant’s matriculation, FAFSA and SAP status will be determined by the URI Office of Enrollment Services. Applications will be evaluated based on student credit load, tuition costs, income/financial need, family size, age of child(ren), and other resource criteria.  Due to fund limitations, not all qualified applicants may receive funding, and students with the highest financial need will have priority.

Award Information

Those awarded financial assistance may receive up to $500 per semester for out-of-pocket child care expenses. Students will be notified by email of their awarded amount approximately two to three weeks after receipt of their application.  The award will be posted to the student’s account. If the student still owes tuition funds to the University, the grant will apply first to that debt.  If the debt is less than the child care award, the remaining balance will be available to the student as a refund.

Follow-up Evaluation

Those awarded financial assistance are required to complete a very brief form describing how the funds were of benefit to them.  Please download and complete the Child Care Grant Follow-up Form and email to worklife@etal.uri.edu within one month following the semester funds were awarded.


Click here for Frequently Asked Questions, including definition of terms.  If you still need assistance, you may contact the Office of Enrollment Services at 874-9500 or the Work-Life Committee at 874-5289.

Student Child Care Assistance Grant Application


More information for pregnant and parenting students


Of Interest

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