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Supervisor Resources, continued


Types of Flexibility


The US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau offers the following categories of flexibility options. Each category includes some examples. Please refer to Workplace Flexibility for an additional list of options.

Scheduling of Hours
  • Flextime (modification of start & end times; daily, variable, seasonal,one-day-a-week, etc.)
  • Compressed work week (10-hour days 4 days a week; 9-hour days with 1 day off every 2 weeks, etc.)
  • Shift flexibility (employees work with co-workers to trade, drop, or pick-up shifts)
Amount of Hours
  • Part-time
  • Job-sharing (one job shared by 2 part-time people)
  • Phased retirement
Place of Work
  • Telework (remote or home location part or most of the time)
  • Seasonal relocation (working at home during the summer)
Management of Time at Work
  • Reserved time (a set block of meeting-free time)
  • Delayed arrival (report later, and stay later at end of day)
  • Time for new mothers (lactation time)
  • Professional development time (an hour a month to attend a talk, training, support group, committee meeting, etc.)
  • Personal time at work (reserved time, other than lunchtime, to attend to personal business)
Organization of Career
  • Off- and on-ramps (plan for changing type of job with different responsibilities, plan for leaving then returning to a job)
  • Phase-back (ability to return gradually after leave of absence)
  • leaves of absence (sabbaticals, paid family leave, tenure clock stop)
Other Time Off
  • Personal days
  • Floating holidays
  • Vacation buying, borrowing, or sharing (paying for extra vacation time, borrowing time from the following year, giving one’s vacation time to another employee)
  • Sick banks (donating sick days to public “bank” that employees who have used up their sick time can access)


For Employees: How Do I Know What is Best for Me?

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