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Is Your Job the Right Fit for You?


Many times people believe they have found their dream job, or just a good fitting job, but after being there a few months, or even after many years, realize that the job is not for them. Many people seek either a change in job responsibilities or a new career!  But where do you start?

Career or job change is like the glass half-empty or half-full.  It can be terrifying or exciting!

  1. Start with yourself.  When you feel that change is in order, consider taking the time for personal self-assessment.  Through self-assessment, you get a more thorough understanding of yourself while being able to articulate this information to peers, colleagues, and/or current or future employers.  Knowing yourself helps you evaluate your current and/or future employment in light of “fit.”An understanding of personality type, occupational interests, skills, and values will add up to a comprehensive picture of yourself and what is important to you in life, which you can then apply in determining occupational fit.  One good starting point is a program called TypeFocus Careers  that is available free of charge on the URI Career Services Website.    Each user sets up his/her own username and password, which guarantees confidentiality.   For more information and a free access code, contact Career Services atcareer@etal.uri.edu or the Director, Dr. Bobbi Koppel at 401 874-5177.
  2. Talk with people in occupations or offices/departments that you are interested in.  Many new jobs are found by networking and asking for information!  Networking and keeping in touch with previous employers, professors, etc is also important, as they may be able to help in your career change/job search.
  3. Seek assistance from a career counselorCareer Services would be happy to assist you to identify appropriate counseling resources.  Contact the Director, Dr. Bobbi Koppel at 401 874-5177.  Your conversation will remain private!
  4. If appropriate and comfortable, discuss new interests or concerns with your supervisor.  Present a plan to modify your responsibilities to better match your interests and skills.  Be positive and approach this from the standpoint of better contributing to your department!  If you are moving on, seek your supervisor’s assistance in identifying new opportunities/contacts.
  5. Attend career events at URI and elsewhere.  Many panel discussions, job fairs, and networking events take place on campus and nearby.  Just talking to people often helps you better narrow your focus of what would be a better fit for you!  For information, contact Career Services.
  6. If you graduated from a college or university, it is likely that there is career support for you!  Contact the Career Services or Alumni office at the institution you attended—you can often find remote assistance available.  (Graduates of URI:  visit http://career.uri.edu/alumni.shtml for information on career assistance.
  7. Research!  There is a wealth of information about careers and jobs available on the internet and in books.  Start with Career Links at URI;  and Diversity Career Links.

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