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URI Dual Career Policy and Guidelines

Policy Statement

The University of Rhode Island (URI) acknowledges the importance of supporting dual career partners in attracting and retaining a quality workforce, including the long-range economic and program quality benefits to the University.  As such, URI is committed to offering placement assistance or opportunities to existing partners of prospective and extant faculty and senior administrative staff whenever feasible and appropriate.

What is the Dual Career Assistance Program?

The University of Rhode Island recognizes that university faculty and new faculty candidates increasingly have partners who simultaneously are seeking employment, and acknowledges that to remain competitive in recruitment and retention, it is important to consider the employment needs of partners to retain and hire faculty.  The presence of successful dual career assistance resources is likely to enhance institutional effectiveness in recruitment, retention, overall diversity, and sustaining a family friendly climate.  Thus, included here are suggested guidelines to assist accompanying partners of job candidates in searching for appropriate employment opportunities.  These guidelines are envisioned to work in coordination with and are subject to Affirmative Action policies, programs, and goals.

Employment Assistance, Not Job Placement

Dual Career Assistance at The University of Rhode Island does not replace or supersede Affirmative Action policies and obligations, or applicable policies of the Council on Postsecondary Education, the University, or provisions of the faculty and/or other collective bargaining agreements.  Due to the specifics of various labor union contracts, these guidelines currently are primarily intended to meet the needs of AAUP faculty and senior administrative staff.  However, the following recommendations are designed to be a first step in an ongoing process of developing guidelines that effectively address dual career needs at URI for all employees.  Moreover, The University of Rhode Island recognizes the importance of continuously evaluating the impact of dual career assistance on the overall goals of diversity within the University.

The value of assisting individuals in dual career partnerships to obtain employment opportunities is readily acknowledged, and URI has established these guidelines in that spirit.  However, it is critical to note that these efforts do not operate as a University promise or guarantee of employment and individuals are encouraged to take advantage of additional career search resources in Rhode Island and adjacent communities.  

Dual Career Assistance Hiring Guidelines  

The following guidelines shall be applicable to and govern dual career assistance hiring opportunities in accordance with the dual career assistance program established at the University of Rhode Island:

1. Advertising

A notice that URI is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) employer and is responsive to the needs of dual career couples will appear in faculty job advertisements.

2. Providing Information

A Dual Career Hiring Resources (https://web.uri.edu/worklife/professional/dualcouple/) webpage describing these guidelines and all other available resources will be linked from various other university sites, including the Office of Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity (“Affirmative Action”), Office of the Provost, Human Resources, and the Office of Community, Equity, and Diversity (CED).  Affirmative Action and Human Resources shall ensure that all search committees and all employment applicants receive information regarding the University’s process for providing assistance to dual career partners.  Candidates in a job search as well as current University employees have an opportunity to inquire about assistance and procedures in regard to dual career partner hires. Equal Employment Opportunity policies dictate that such inquiries are confidential and will not influence hiring or promotion decisions.

3. Definition of Dual Career Partner

A dual career partner must be the spouse or domestic partner of an employment applicant or employee, as defined by state law and referred to in the collective bargaining agreement.

4. Requesting Dual Career Information and Assistance.

Formal assistance for dual career concerns, as outlined below, are provided to on-campus interviewee finalists, candidates with job offers, and existing employees seeking dual career assistance.  Other applicants may also inquire about dual career information informally and confidentially by contacting the Director, Diverse Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Retention.

         A. URI Academic Employment. When the interviewee finalist, candidate with job offer, or existing employee inquiries about academic partner employment at URI, the following steps are recommended:

  1. The Search Committee Chair or Department Chair of the interviewee finalist, candidate with job offer, or existing employee should be apprised and provided the partner’s curriculum vitae. The appropriate Chair will contact the Dean of the College associated with the position and/or the Director, Diverse Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Retention to explore possible campus opportunities for the partner.
  2. If it is determined that an appropriate academic employment opportunity may exist, a copy of the dual career partner’s curriculum vitae and other relevant materials shall be forwarded confidentially to the Department Chair(s) and Dean(s) of the College(s) in which the dual career partner is seeking employment. These administrators will explore the options between the partner and the target department(s) and determine whether to pursue the dual career partner hire request, and which accommodation strategies are most appropriate.
  3. Accommodation Strategies. Administrators are encouraged to consider a variety of possible accommodation strategies, which could include, but are not limited to:

Expedited application for open position. A dual career partner of a candidate who has received a job offer in a University search may request consideration to be an applicant for another open University position as long as they meet the published qualifications and as long as the search is still open.  A search committee chair that receives such a request shall contact Affirmative Action immediately.  No action or further steps on the request can be made without approval of Affirmative Action.

Joint appointment. Joint appointments may be considered, as appropriate, in order to meet the needs of several departments/units.  Joint appointment  candidates will need to interview individually with departments and be acceptable to all parties. The participating departments/colleges will coordinate efforts, which will be reviewed by the Provost’s Office.  Guidelines for joint appointment procedures can be found here:  https://web.uri.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1779/Interdisciplinray_Work_Guidelines_practices_joint_appts.pdf

Shared appointment. Faculty dual career partners in the same academic discipline may be considered for a shared appointment.  In such cases, the concerned department must determine whether both individuals have appropriate credentials and qualifications, have a demonstrated potential to become tenured members of the department, and that the shared appointment meets the department needs   If the department determines that the shared appointment is feasible, it will be submitted to the dean and Provost for final consideration. Shared appointments typically mean the resources of a single position are shared among the partners and convey no institutional commitment for full support of both positions at some future date, including following positive tenure decisions.  If approved the dean and provost shall determine the terms and conditions of the shared appointment.

Soft money appointment. Eligible dual career partners may be considered for soft money positions or other short-term internal payroll positions.  These appointments are fully eligible to apply for any tenure-line or more permanent positions that become available.

Visiting Professor position. In some situations, a temporary (usually not to exceed one year) Visiting Faculty Position may be created in order to either meet the needs of a particular department or offer a specialty area to a department that would otherwise be unavailable. During this temporary professorship, the academic dual career partner is encouraged to apply for other open job opportunities within and outside the University.

Lectureships & per course instruction. Dual career partners may also be eligible to be considered for employment as part-time (per-course) faculty, lecturers or Faculty of Practice.

Faculty of Practice position. Faculty of Practice are full- or part-time non-tenure track appointments reserved for accomplished or distinguished individuals who have demonstrated skills and experience acquired in their chosen field of practice, and whose primary duties and responsibilities are teaching. They are appointed annually up to a maximum of five years.

Search Waiver Request. University policy typically expects a national or regional search for faculty and professional staff appointments.  The URI Dual Career Partner Guidelines are designed for appointments that meet institutional priorities and that require rapid University action.  In some cases, the Director of Affirmative Action may grant search waivers upon request when such requests are justified, rational, and in the nest interests of the university.  For staff postings, external posting waivers may be granted so that the University can comply with internal posting protocols as well as with requirements of specific unions.  Decisions on request for waivers of the search process under this policy shall be made by the Director of Affirmative Action.

       B.   URI Nonacademic Employment. A dual career partner may apply to any available employment position through the University’s regular hiring policies and procedures (https://jobs.uri.edu/). Partners of employment applicants who have received job offers may also seek the services of the Center for Career and Experiential Education, Human Resources, the Dean of the candidate’s college, the Unit Director and/or Affirmative Action in searching for appropriate employment opportunities on campus.  These representatives will be responsible for assisting the dual career partner in identifying, applying for, and interviewing for available campus employment opportunities.  The unit head/chair may also identify an appropriate facilitator to assist in the job search to ensure that all possible avenues are being explored for the partner.

A dual career partner, like any other employment applicant, must be systematically       reviewed by the hiring unit. If that unit believes the dual career partner has appropriate credentials and has skills that are compatible with the unit’s needs and mission, and if the dual career partner meets published deadlines for application, it may request that the dual career partner be considered for an interview or other placement alternatives to the extent permitted by applicable collective bargaining contracts, and affirmative action policies as well as applicable laws and regulations.

     C.  Off-Campus Employment. Dual career partners of current employees or candidates who have received job offers may seek available University services, including the Center for Career and Experiential Education, the Business Engagement Center, Human Resources, the Dean of the candidate’s college, and/or the Office of Affirmative Action, in searching for appropriate employment opportunities off campus.  These representatives are authorized to utilize their formal and informal contacts to assist the dual career partner in identifying, applying for, and interviewing for appropriate off-campus employment.

     D.   Monitoring and Oversight. Prior to a dual career hire or appointment, Affirmative Action and the Office of Community, Equity, and Diversity will review the process of all dual career partners hires to ensure that discrimination of any type has not occurred.  Affirmative Action in cooperation with Human Resources (HR) and Institutional Research (IR) will regularly collect and provide information on dual career requests and request outcomes to monitor the effectiveness of these guidelines in recruitment, retention, and diversity, and to ensure that no negative effects or unlawful discrimination against specific persons or subgroups has occurred because of these guidelines.

While the University of Rhode Island recognizes the value of promoting opportunities for dual career partners, and has established these guidelines to help secure this value, IT CANNOT GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT TO ANYONE SIMPLY ON THE BASIS OF THESE GUIDELINES. 


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