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Supervisor Resources

Research shows that supervisory support is crucial in the promotion of employee work-life balance. With that support, URI can become an institution with an excellent work-life culture and a better bottom line. As such, we aspire to achieve the Standards of Excellence identified by Boston College’s Center for Work and Family.

These supervisor resources are offered to assist supervisors in becoming aware of, open-minded about, and able to effectively address the work-life balance and workplace flexibility needs of their employees.

Effective supervisors today:

  1. are tuned in to the health and well-being of their employees.
  2. see their employees as “whole persons,” not just as workers.
  3. understand the challenges today of balancing work and personal/family life, and respond to employees’ needs to do so.
  4. foster a “culture of coverage” work environment, one that is supportive, flexible, and offers options for employees who need coverage when they must be away from work.
  5. are aware of what formal and informal alternative work arrangements are possible for their employees.
  6. communicate clearly, openly and consistently to all employees about what is available and how an employee can request an alternative work arrangement.

What is Work-Life Balance and Workplace Flexibility?

Types of Flexibility

Barriers to Flexibility

Tips for Supervisors

Responding to Flexibility Requests

Resources for Employees

Excellent Resources for Supervisors

also check additional Links and Resources on this website.

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