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Rhode Island Seal

URI Wins 2015 (and 2016!) Work-Life Seal of Distinction!


The University of Rhode Island’s Work-Life program has earned the Work-Life Seal of Distinction for 2015. The seal is a mark of excellence that identifies organizational success in work-life effectiveness. URI is one of the 77 institutions to be honored on Wednesday, March 18 at the WorldatWork Alliance for Work-Life Progress 2015 Future of Work Forum in Nashville.

Says URI Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Donald DeHayes, “The University of Rhode Island is a far better place to work, learn, and enjoy life because of the proactive work-life programs that were initiated and developed starting about 12 years ago.  As a campus community, we have learned to be flexible, supportive of each other, and to understand that the quality of life of our employees strongly enhances all aspects of our work and the academic core mission of the university.  While many faculty and staff should be acknowledged for their efforts in creating vibrant work-life initiatives and support at URI, I want to especially thank Drs. Silver and Mederer for their leadership, persistence, and caring about the university community broadly and, more importantly, about every individual person who contributes to the vitality of our university every day.  This recognition honors, first and foremost, their efforts and contribution to the greater good of the university.”

Started in 2012, the AWLP Seal of Distinction assesses the seven categories of work-life effectiveness that comprise a best-in-class work-life portfolio in today’s workplace: caring for dependents, health and wellness, workplace flexibility, financial support for economic security, paid and unpaid time off, community involvement, and transforming organizational culture.

“This year’s Work-Life Seal of Distinction honorees are an exceptional group of innovative leaders that strive to create a company culture that encourages work-life balance,” said Anne Ruddy, CCP, president and CEO of WorldatWork and executive director of AWLP.

This year’s recipients include those from education, finance, government, health, law, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals – and hail from 25 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. The 2015 list includes 28 new companies and shows 49 companies returning to the list from previous years. In addition, four companies with international headquarters are winners: BASF, Germany; Pearson, United Kingdom; Sanofi, France; and Takeda, Japan.

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