Bad Weather Cancellation Policy

Winters in Rhode Island are tricky. Thankfully, our cancellation policy is simple.

When URI classes are canceled due to bad weather, all scheduled Academic Enhancement Center and Writing Center programming is also canceled. This is true of partial cancellations as well. For example, if classes are cancelled until 11 a.m., or beginning at 4 p.m., the AEC will also close during those hours.

Regardless of whether classes are canceled or not, the AEC may cancel all or some of its services on short notice when the weather has turned bad during our regular hours. These events are rare, but can happen quickly. When we do this, we will try to send a notification to all appointments, and post information on our phone line and on our website. It is always a good idea to call ahead and speak to a receptionist if you are not sure the center will be open. You can reach us at 401.874.2367.