Sam Guanita ’24

Sam Guanita ’24, music therapy, found a home in the music department at URI early on. The program offered Sam the opportunity to have the experience one would get at a larger institution, but also had the perks forming close relationships with faculty, and the ability to tailor his experience. What Sam loved most about the program was the noncompetitive culture to help students push themselves to be their best while supporting others. Sam plans to intern at Perkins School for the Blind post-graduation while he prepares to obtain his music therapy certification and licensure. 

Why did you choose URI and the Music Therapy program?
At the time of applying to schools the only public university to offer Music Therapy in New England was URI starting in 2020. Not only was the school a great fit, but the program, the music department, and the faculty all solidified my decision to come to URI.

What is something special about the Music Therapy program at URI?
Our program prides itself on teaching from a diverse set of perspectives and therapeutic approaches and this has allowed us to really understand the kind of clinicians we are and where we want to use our skills in the future.

What are your post-graduation plans?
I am going to be interning at Perkins School for the Blind during their 2024-2025 academic school year while I prepare to take the Music Therapy Board Exam to obtain my music therapy certification and licensure.

What is your favorite memory at URI?
My favorite URI memories are always related to music performance or clinical sessions, but a recent favorite memory was in Concert Choir this semester where we had the opportunity to sing the song cycle Songstream by Alice Parker. It was a highlight of my time spent in Concert Choir and some of the most beautiful compositions I have gotten to sing.

What is something you would tell your freshman-year self?
Don’t be afraid of where curiosity leads you, explore new interests, and dare to take chances! Also, the shuttle system can be a lifesaver!