Community Engaged Learning
Resources for Faculty

Community Engaged Learning Best Practices:

Take the first step to a great partnership

United Way of Rhode Island Volunteer Center is a ‘one stop shopping’ for students and faculty, where they can find opportunities from over 100 Rhode Island nonprofits. Opportunities are searchable by location, agency as well as interest areas.  

Alicia Vignali Henry, Community Engagement Coordinator, alongside the RI United Way Volunteer Engagement staff, will help faculty match with appropriate agencies. Partner agencies also have access to matching, so they are invited to seek volunteers for team events, long term projects and other need based initiatives.

If you are interested in working with a community partner, or planning a service based event please contact Alicia Vignali Henry or the Office of Community Engagement and Action at 401-874-2568.

Community Quick Links:

Processes and resources to review when creating and sustaining high impact practices.

Important Information & Resources

Be sure to review the Important Logistical Processes section on the CCEE Faculty Resource page.

Key Questions & Topics

Reflect on the following questions on your own or connect with your Experiential Education Coordinator to discuss.

  1. Needs. Consider the learning objectives and needs of your course. Once those are established, meet with potential community partners to discuss needs and partnership ideas. Encourage partner to organize by highest needs first.
  2. Type of Engagement. The type of student engagement should meet the needs of both the partner and the course. Service-Learning or Community Based Learning courses have a shared, reciprocal partnership. Review the image below and Service-Learning: A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education by Andrew Furco for more information.
  3. Position Descriptions: Create position descriptions for any open volunteer, Community Work Study, or internship positions. Need assistance? Connect with Experiential Education coordinators or Employer Relations team.
  4. Length of Service: Review the hours per credit tab and consider how much time will be needed for the students to meet the learning goals for the class and needs of the community partner. Start small, laying a foundation to build upon. Consider opportunities in which the needs build upon each other form semester to semester.
  5. Logistics: Review important logistical processes related to agreements, risk, and transportation
  6. Assessment: To continue improving and sustaining partnerships, integrate assessment and evaluation into the community engaged learning experience, for both the student and the agency partner. Establish an evaluation strategy in which needs and programs are reviewed and reconsidered/revised for effectiveness.

Civic Engagement Tips for Advisors

Consider the following when assisting students to find an appropriate community-based internship or experiential opportunity that could meet their current learning goals:        

  • Service leadership and engagement in the community can provide students the opportunity to gain context to skills and knowledge they have been developing through years of education. Many students find passion and perspective they otherwise might not have had the opportunity to experience, resulting in increased insight and confidence in potential major or career paths.
  • Understand the types of experiential education opportunities available and that both credit and non-credit opportunities exist. In addition to service-learning and C1 Civic Responsibility courses, where students can be introduced to community agencies and topics, students can gain experience through volunteering, community work study, and service leadership roles.
  • Does the student have elective credit available for an internship, service-learning, or other experiential course? If so, encourage looking into non profit organizations and agencies that serve the public good.
  • If the student can enroll in an internship or service-learning course, what type of course would best fit? Some courses are highly structured, like the ITR Internship Program, which means the student will have significant guidance and support throughout the entire experience. Other courses might be more “low-touch” courses and provide pass/fail credit (no seminar) with minimal professional career reflection and touchpoints (like CSV 303).

URI Service-Learning Courses
Curriculum-based hands-on learning with the community that addresses real world issues. Service provides context for translating discipline-based theories into practice. Students apply academic and discipline knowledge to meet community identified needs. To help ensure accurate tracking of community engaged learning and adherence to University and federal policies, connect with Sarah Miller when you add or are considering adding a service-learning or community engaged learning component to a course.

Service-Learning Coded Courses

Coded as of 9/2024 by CCEE