Environment, Sustainability & Life Sciences
Animal Science & Technology | Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology | Biology | Biological Sciences | Biotechnology | Cell & Molecular Biology | Environmental & Natural Resource Economics | Environmental Science & Management | Geology & Geological Oceanography | Landscape Architecture | Marine Affairs | Marine Biology | Medical Laboratory Science | Molecular Neuroscience | Plant Sciences | Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems | Wildlife & Conservation Biology
What Can I Do With My Major?
One of the most exciting things about your major is the variety of career options you can pursue! Take a look at the materials below to learn about some of the most common career paths for your major.
Environment, Sustainability & Life Sciences:
- Becoming a Forester
- Sustainability Minor at URI
- Learn How To Become One: Green Careers
- Careers in Biology
- Careers in Marine Biology – Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Environment/Sustainability Degrees
- Guide to Zoological Park Careers
- Careers and Interviews of Marine/Ocean Science and Policy Professionals
- Becoming a Marine Biologist
Training & Additional Education
Roles within the arts and humanities industry may require additional education beyond a Bachelor’s level degree. Graduate school requirements vary based on each program and are open to a variety of majors so long as you have met the admissions requirements.
We encourage you to review our Grad School Module below to learn if grad school is the best fit for you.
Please note that your Career Education Specialists will assist you in finding resources for applying to grad schools (including building an effective personal statement), but do not advise on specific graduate programs. If you are interested in learning more about a specific program, contact that school’s graduate admissions office directly.
Places to Start When Searching for Graduate Programs
Finding the right graduate program starts by first understanding where to look. Professional Associations related to your industry along with other popular websites would be the best places as oftentimes there are graduate program directories located on their sites. Here are just a few of those websites:
Valuable Alternatives Options to Consider:
The following programs provide additional experiences related to environment and sustainability majors.
Searching for a Job/Internship
In order to be competitive for the job market or graduate school, prior to graduation every student should complete a practical experience, such as an internship. There are many techniques for searching for an internship! Many of your questions regarding how to search for a job or internship can be answered by reviewing the module and videos below.
Importance of LinkedIn as a Career Tool
LinkedIn is the world’s largest online professional networking platform that features resources and benefits to support professionals in all career fields. It’s important to build your LinkedIn profile now, start connecting with your peers and professional in your field(s) of interest, and conduct research for both internship/job search and overall career development!
Job and Internship
There are a variety of websites you can use to search for jobs and internships. The following are just a sample of some of the ones focused on the environment and sustainability industries.
The most beneficial and effective way to search for jobs and internships is through networking. Make sure to attend check out CCEE Events Page for networking and career fair opportunities.
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) in Ecology, Animal & Plant Biology & Marine Science, 100s Listed
- National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) Master List
- 650 + Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
- Top 50 Green Job Posting Sites
- American Fisheries Society Job Board
- Animal Veterinary Medical Association – Vet School 101
- Conservation Job Board
- Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Job/Internship Board (Texas A&M)
- EarthWorks – International Opportunities
- New England Aquarium
- SEA Semester
- Sea World Opportunities
- University of North Florida Summer REU Program
- Wildlife Conservation Society – Job Board
- URI Watershed Volunteer Program
- Student Conservation Association – Internships
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) – URI
- Agricultural and Applied Economics Association – Job Opportunities
- Association of Environmental and Resource Economists – Job Opportunities
- World Aquaculture Society – Job Postings
- Geological Society of America – Internships, Fellowships, Jobs
- GeoCareers – Tips for Finding an Internship/Employment
- GeoCorps – America
- Operations Groundswell – Summer Immersion Opportunities
- Association for Limnology and Oceanography – Job Board
- Environmental Careers
- Fish and Wildlife RI
- Official URI Internship/Job Database
- Three Steps to Land Research Internship
- Rhode Island Job Portal
- Official URI Internship/Job Database
- Rhode Island Job Portal
- WSP (Environment/Engineering) Job Board
- Covanta Job Board (Waste/Energy Management Jobs)
- Top 10 General Job Boards
- Master List of Environmental Organizations/Nonprofits in RI
Gain Even More Experience
There are so many ways to gain experience before you graduate! In addition to internships, consider:

Even if you aren’t interested in a career in research, gaining research experience is helpful for attending graduate school. It enables you to cultivate a faculty reference, enhance your applications, and gain a background for the research you’ll conduct in your graduate program.
Contacting URI Professors about Research Anthropology FieldworkHistory Research Capstones and Courses
Academic Credit for Internships
Some of you may be eligible to earn academic credit for your internship experience. Below you will find more information relevant to your specific academic program.
Options for academic credit by academic program
Resume & Cover Letter
A resume should highlight the most important information relevant to a specific job or employer, which is why each resume you write will be different. In most cases, it’s important to showcase your projects and experience that illustrate the practical application of the academic skill and knowledge you’ve acquired here at URI and within your internships.