Name: Max Bliss
Where are you from: Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Major: Civil Engineering & Spanish
Expected Graduation date: May 2020
What is your responsibility as a 2017 URI Energy Fellow (i.e. what team are you on/where are you working)?
I work at Wind Energy Development, LLC. I could be classified as a “Junior Engineer,” as most of the work that I am doing is under the tutelage of the civil engineer who works there. Most of my tasks involve the design of solar arrays and wind turbine sites. I am looking forward to working with my peers within the program and learning about the inner workings of the energy industry. The most rewarding part of the job for me is the advancement of the cause of renewable energy. Energy is a major part of our world, and it impacts nearly every other part of life on earth.
In my free time I like to…
I am involved in the service community at URI, such as Habitat for Humanity and Alternative Spring Break. In my free time, I enjoy playing and writing music, reading, and just generally absorbing knowledge to the fullest extent. Life is beautiful, and it may disappear at any moment, so I try to live with the mindset that every day might be my last.