Name: Jeffrey Baxter
Where are you from: Hopewell, New Jersey
Major: Environment Economics and General Business
Expected Graduation date: December 2019
What is your responsibility as a 2019 URI Energy Fellow (i.e. what team are you on/where are you working)?
As a 2019 URI Energy Fellow I am a part of National Grid’s energy efficiency team in Providence, RI. While working for them I am an energy efficiency consultant. At this job I am responsible for updating energy star scores in Portfolio Manager for any municipal or school building that requests so or is considering making energy efficiency renovations to their buildings. Connecting with the client and communicating about what information they would like to know is another one of my responsibilities. By providing clients with their energy usage history they are then able to better tell how their building ranks against other buildings’ energy efficiency ratings. They can then determine if they want to make improvements. It is a rewarding experience to help people become more informed about how energy efficient their building is.
What do you like to do in your free time? Are you involved in any other organizations or activities on campus?
In my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors, mainly skiing and surfing. This last year I was the Vice President of URI’s Alpine Race Team and spent a lot time organizing the logistics of our ski season. Along with that I was a URI 101 mentor for the College of Business in the fall semester. It was very rewarding teaching a class of twenty students about how to transition from high school into college.