Rodriguez, Denilex

Name: Denilex Rodriguez
Where are you from: Providence, RI
Major: BS in Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
Expected Graduation date: 2020

What is your responsibility as a 2019 URI Energy Fellow (i.e. what team are you on/where are you working)?
I am interning at the Pascoag Utility District (PUD), a quasi-municipal utility that provides electricity to customers in Pascoag and Harrisville, RI. I am currently helping PUD achieve their 2020 DSM Plan through increased outreach and communication between the utility and its customers. I routinely upload social media posts educating customers on home energy efficiency tips and the incentive programs made available to them through PUD. I also follow up with customers who have had home energy audits and recommend different rebate and incentive based programs. Being able to influence so many people to change their habits and consult with us before making major appliance changes in their homes has been a very gratifying part of this project.

What do you like to do in your free time? Are you involved in any other organizations or activities on campus?
I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors. I longboard, occasionally hike, and really enjoy embroidering. I am also a College of Environment and life Sciences (CELS) Student Ambassador and am excited to share my experiences with others and help them find their perfect place in CELS.