Nhar, Sedes Isabel Hope

Name: Sedes Isabel Hope Nhar
Where are you from: Coventry, Rhode Island

What is your responsibility as a 2017 URI Energy Fellow (i.e. what team are you on/where are you working)?
I am working on the Campus Behavior Change Team with URI Cooperative Extension. My responsibilities entail informing and recruiting offices on campus to join the Green Offices or Green Teams programs, while also making sure the existing Green Offices and Teams are engaged and supported by myself. I am also preparing for the RA Training presentation I will be assisting with this summer, which will inform RAs on sustainability in the Residence Halls so that they can relay the information to their students and encourage sustainable living on campus. I am looking forward to improving on my professional skills throughout the fellowship and also working directly with members of the Green Offices programs. My favorite part of my job is the responsibility itself. I like that I can work towards sustainable goals right on campus, where I attend school and live. The most rewarding part of my job will be seeing more Green Offices and Green Teams made this year.

In my free time I like to…
In my free time, I enjoy making music with my friends, babysitting for friends or family members, and joining activities of a club I am involved with in Providence.