The University of Rhode Island Boots to Bushel (URI B2B) is a comprehensive 9 – month market garden training program for beginning farmers, military veterans, and their family members. The course begins with 10 weeks of online instruction on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 pm – 7:30 pm beginning January 21st and ending March 27th, 2025. Classes will be taught by subject-matter-experts from across New England. Attendance and participation are encouraged but sessions will be recorded for delayed viewing as needed. In addition to the live zoom sessions, participants will have access to an online learning platform with additional resources. Participants are expected to complete several assignments that will deepen their understanding of concepts discussed in class.

In the spring and summer there will be optional opportunities for farm tours across Rhode Island and Maine. Farm tours provide valuable opportunities to learn and build relationships from farmers with boots on the ground. If you are considering B2B but are not from RI or Maine, and would like to attend a farm tour(s), we can help facilitate other options closer to you. Many farmers are happy to share their knowledge!
The final stage of the program includes optional summer workshops at the URI Kingston campus. Workshops are hands-on opportunities to discuss and practice risk management strategies. Workshops are free for B2B participants who complete the course.
Dates: January 21, 2025 – March 27, 2025
5-6 hours/week completing the following online activities:
- Attend Zoom webinars on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 pm – 7:30 pm
- Complete a learning content check-off
- Complete weekly homework assignments
- Complete pre and post course surveys
10 Weeks of Online Instruction Covering Identified Risk Areas Including:
- Farm Business/Finances (business planning, financials, record keeping, funding, and marketing)
- Farm Production Methods (Seedling production, crop planning and production, food safety, soil health, pest and disease management)
- Family and Fitness (health and wellness, adaptive equipment, farming ergonomics, stress reduction)
Farm Tours Topics
Tours are held across Rhode Island and Maine starting in May. Tours are scheduled in late winter and topics are subject to change and are based on the interests of the current class.
Summer Workshops Topics
Workshops are held at the URI Kingston campus. Dates and times will be finalized in spring but will be held from May through September. Topics include:
- Seeding: Direct Seeding – discussion , methods and tools
- Climate Smart Growing – ways to extend your growing season and protect your crops through the use of row cover, plastic mulch, caterpillar tunnels and high tunnels
- Transplanting – hardening off plants, mulching options, tools, direct seed vs transplanting
- Cash Crop – growing tomatoes for market
- Water conservation – climate smart irrigation and fertilization
- Weeds – identification, management and DIY tool workshop
- Soil health – soil testing, understanding your soil tests and fertility
- Sustainable Pest and Disease management – Scouting, pest and disease identification, management methods
- Produce safety – harvest, wash and pack
- Soil health – cover cropping, crop rotation and mulching
Ten Weeks of Online Classes, Optional Farm Tours and Workshops – $195*
Tours and Summer Workshops are free for those who complete the B2B course, and $10 for all others.
* We have scholarships available for veterans with limited resources. Please contact Tricia Lourenco Boucher, for scholarship opportunities.
To Apply: Click here and apply by December 31st, 2024.
Tricia Lourenco Boucher
Program Facilitator
URI Cooperative Extension
This is material based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2023-70027-40447.