Save the Date!
Saturday, May 3rd from 9-12 p.m., rain or shine
ABOUT THE EVENT: The 2025 Spring Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, May 3 from 9-12 p.m. in the URI Botanical Gardens on the Kingston campus. The sale will feature annuals, perennials, herbs, and vegetable seedlings grown by URI Master Gardener propagation volunteers in our East Farm greenhouses. This annual sale supports educational services offered through the URI Master Gardener Program throughout the year, including the Gardening and Environmental Hotline, Gardening Information and Soil Testing exhibits, and our Educational Workshops.
- Over 20 years of growth: The Spring Plant Sale has been a staple of the community for over two decades, originally called the Crab Apple Festival, then the East Farm Spring Festival, before it evolved into the beloved plant sale it is today.
- Generosity in numbers: In 2024, a total of 7,297 seedlings were raised and donated by URI Master Gardener Volunteers to 160 organizations, including nonprofits, school gardens, community gardens, and public libraries.
1. A soil sample for free soil testing (how to take a soil sample)
2. A wagon and/or plant trays to transport your plant purchases
3. A bag for free Burpee seed packets
4. Cash, debit or credit card
5. Your toughest gardening questions!
WHERE TO PARK: Attendees are encouraged to park behind the URI Fine Arts building in Lot 7 off Flagg Road. A pathway down the hill leads directly to the greenhouse fire lane where the plant sale line begins. URI Campus Map.
PRO TIP: While we do not admit visitors into the sale before 9:00 a.m., we do recommend arriving early to secure a place in line.