Mentoring a URI Energy Fellow

School Address(Required)
Name of Principal(Required)
Primary Garden Contact(Required)
6. Are any of your garden contact(s) interested in taking the URIMGP Core Training?
If so, they will receive automatic acceptance if they menton that they are affiliated with a school garden when asked about affiliation with partner organizations in the application.
7. What phase is your school garden in currently? Check ALL that apply.(Required)

Subject to availability, URI Cooperative Extension will provide school with a team of “School Garden Mentors” (SGMs), certified URI Master Gardener volunteers who have completed additional school garden training.

  • SGMs have undergone state BCI checks and will follow school volunteer procedures;
  • SGMs serve as resources, advocates and educators to help schools achieve their garden goals as described in detail on the SGM PROGRAM OFFERINGS TO SCHOOLS;
  • SGMs are conduits to resources and services provided by the URI Cooperative Extension, including but not limited to: gardening technical guidance, site assessment, free seeds and seedlings, full soil testing and the URI Gardening Hotline;
  • SGMs are not responsible for weeding or watering school gardens, however they will work with school to develop a maintenance plan and lead workdays with school participation.
Name of Principal(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY