Managing fisheries in Ghana.

USAID Sustainable Fisheries Management Project

In October 2014 USAID/Ghana awarded CRC a five year cooperative agreement to lead the Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP). The goal of the project is to rebuild targeted marine fish stocks that have seen major declines in landings over the last decade, particularly the small pelagic fisheries that are important for food security and are the mainstay of the small-scale fishing sector.

CRC leads a consortium of partners tasked with an integrated suite of activities including:

  1. Improved legal enabling conditions for implementing co-management, use rights, capacity and effort-reduction strategies
  2. Improved information systems and science-informed decision-making, and
  3. Increased constituencies that provides the political will and public support necessary to make the hard choices and changed behavior needed to rebuild Ghana’s marine fisheries sector.These components feed into applied management initiatives for several targeted fisheries ecosystems.

These components feed into applied management initiatives for several targeted fisheries ecosystems.

For more information on this topic, contact Brian Crawford at or Don Robadue at