Office Hours

302 Memorial Union
50 Lower College Road
Kingston, RI 02881
Monday–Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm


Phone: 401.874.2098
TT via RI Relay: 711

Fax: 401.874.5694

**Call or email the office to schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member. You are welcome to walk in to schedule an appointment as well.

Our Staff

Dean of Students

Daniel Graney

Dr. Daniel Graney

Dean of Students

Lara Fayanjuola

Lara Fayanjuola

Executive Asst. to the Dean of Students

Community Standards

also known as Student Conduct

Dr. Kristin Ridge

Associate Dean of Students, Community Standards

Joan Lemire

Assistant Director

Joshua Rosa

Assistant Director

Serita Outlow

Office Manager

Disability, Access, and Inclusion

formerly Disabilty Services for Students

Paige Ramsdell

Dr. Paige Ramsdell

Assistant Dean of Students, Accessibility and Inclusion

Dark haired woman looking over her right shoulder towards camera

Nina Schiarizzi-Tobin

Assistant Director

Lukas Chaves


Aida D. Wilby


Jacob Silveira


Kathryn Zimmerman


Elizabeth Wyllie

Intake Specialist

Walter Arrecis

Ram Van Driver

Haitao Wang

Graduate Assistant

Madelane Dixon

Graduate Assistant

Greek Affairs

Dr. Steve Simo

Assistant Dean of Students

Student Engagement

Alison Burke

Assistant Director

Greek Affairs

Collin Binkley


Greek Affairs

Izzy Moreau

Graduate Assistant

Greek Affairs

Nick Flores

Graduate Assistant

Greek Affairs

Student Support and Advocacy Services

formerly Outreach and Intervention

Dr. Jacqui Springer

Assistant Dean of Students

Barbara A. Sweeney, MSW, MPH, LCSW, CFLE

Coordinator, Food Security Outreach

Lukas Chaves


Alcohol and Other Drugs Education

formerly Substance Abuse Prevention Services

Arielle Sherman, LMSW

Specialist, Alcohol and Other Drugs Education