- Professor
- 802 Chafee SSC
- Email: mcintyre@uri.edu
- Office Location: Spring 2025 Office Hours: by appointment
802 Chafee Social Science Center or https://rhody.webex.com/meet/mcintyreuri.edu
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881
I joined the URI faculty in 1985 and have been Professor of Economics since 1997. At URI I have had several positions beyond professing: Associate Director of the URI Honors Program from 2003-2006, and Director from 2006-2013; Economics department chair from 2015-2020; co-director of URI Study Abroad programs in Cuba, 2015-2020; Editor, New Political Economy book series, Routledge Press, since 2004.
I am currently co-authoring a book on US economic and political development since the Great Depression. I also write on comparative and international political economy, labor relations and labor standards, and economics pedagogy. I regularly taught ECN 305, “Competing Economic Traditions” and ECN 358, “Globalization and National Economies.” In Fall 24 I taught “Democracy in Peril,” the course accompanying the Fall URI Honors Colloquium. I received the URI Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence in 1997.
I have been active in international education over the last 25 years. I was visiting research Professor at École Normale Superieure de Cachan (now École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay), in 2002 and in residence as the holder of the “Chair of the Americas” at the Institut des Ameriques-Rennes, University of Rennes 2 in Spring 2017. I have been a guest lecturer at the University of Le Havre, Euromed Marseille École de Management (now KEDGE Business School), the Université de Lyon II, Novgorod State University in Russia, as well as at many universities and colleges in the US. I co-directed the URI Fall 2003 Honors Colloquium, “The Futures of Globalization.”
I live in Wakefield RI with my wife Deborah Barber. We have five children and ten grandchildren. Outside of work I like to cook, play golf, read, and enjoy life in South County Rhode Island.
History of Economic Thought
Economic History
International Economics
Labor-Management Relations and Labor Standards
Economics Pedagogy
Ph.D., Economics, University of Massachusetts, 1989
BA, Economics and Political Science, University of Rhode Island, 1979
Selected Publications
Recent (since 2008) and Representative Publications
Knowledge, Class and Economics: Marxism without guarantees. Edited and with contributions by Ted Burczak, Robert Garnett and Richard McIntyre, Routledge, 2018
Are Worker Rights Human Rights? (2008, University of Michigan Press.)
Articles (recent and selected)
“Stakeholderism: the folly of a kinder, gentler American capitalism,” with M. Hillard, New Labor Forum. 32:1. Winter 2023
“Democratic Socialism,” 2023. Rethinking Marxism. 35:1, 24-35.
“New Directions in Public Housing: What Works, What Doesn’t” with S. Pearson-Merkowitz, for South Kingstown Housing Authority and RI Foundation, 2023.
“Labor standards, factory inspection, and fast fashion” in The Fashion Reader, 3rd edition. London: Bloomsbury, 2021
“The Development of Social Economy in France since 1945.” Forum for Social Economics. 2018. 47:2, 253-261.
“Marxian Theories of the Labor Process: From Marx to Braverman” and “Marxian Labor Process Theory Since Braverman”, in Handbook of Marxian Political Economy, edited by Brennan, Kristjianson-Gural, Mulder, and Olsen. London: Routledge, 2017. 180-197
“Labor Militance and the New Deal: Some Lessons for Today,” in Sheila D. Collins and Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, When Government Helped: Learning from the Successes and Failures of the New Deal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
“Capitalist Class Agency and the New Deal Order: Against the Notion of a Limited Capital-Labor Accord” with Michael Hillard, Review of Radical Political Economics, 45:2, June 2013, won best article award for volume 45 .
“Radical Labor Economics, Labor History, and Employment Relations: The State of the Conversation” Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas, 9:4, Winter 2012
“From Workers Rights to Workers Appropriation: Response to Joseph McCartin,” International Labor and Working Class History, 80 Fall 2011: 197-202
“Shopping avec Octave,” in A-P Durand, ed. Frederic Beigbeder, Cahiers de recherche des instituts néerlandais de langue et de littérature française, 2008
Work in Progress
"Teaching technological unemployment through role play" forthcoming in the Review of Radical Political Economics.
"Class Conflict" with Michael Hillard, forthcoming in Radical Political Economics: Principles, Perspectives, and Post-Capitalist Futures (Routledge, 2024),
"US Capitalist Class Exceptionalism and Why the US is an Outlier Nation"
"Financialization and US capitalist class exceptionalism"
"Burning down your house: The exceptional US capitalist class and the Outlier Nation," book manuscript with M. Hillard.