IEP Alumni Updates Fall 2024

It was wonderful to see some of our seasoned alumni all the way back to class of ’01 at our May 4, 2024 IEP alumni get-together, where they shared memories and solved IEP trivia with our graduating ’24 seniors. For a number of our alumni guests, it was a chance to tour the Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering for the first time! 

Here are some more updates from the IEP alumni network!

At the June 3-6 Bio conference in San Diego, which is a worldwide conference for biotechnology, Kristen Riley, vice chair of the IEP Advisory Board and chemical engineering & German IEP ’94, met up with Justin Hayes, chemical engineering & spanish IEP ’20. Justin is now the founder and CEO of Concordance Therapeutics out of Boston. Congrats to both on their stellar careers!




Joellyn (JoJo) Speredellozi, who only recently completed her biomedical, biology & Italian IEP experience in 2023 and served as our enthusiastic  IIEP ambassador during that time, has put both her technical and language background to use in a PhD program in biomedical engineering at the University of Minnesota. She just finished her first year and is pursuing research where she research involving auditory processing and ultrasound neural stimulation technologies at the Lim SONIC Lab. They are developing better alternatives to cochlear implants for the deaf and hard of hearing communities. Way to go, JoJo!

Raena Morley, chemical engineering & French IEP ’12, ’21 PhD in biothermodynamics from TU Munich, is working as a scientist in Mucich with the technical pharmaceutical development group of Roche, a Swiss healthcare company. Trilingual in English, French and German, she is shown here with her Viennese fiancée, consultant Max Bukovics, and our BMW intern Patrick Raczkowski enjoying a beautiful summer evening at the Paulaner brewery in Munich.