In their final year, URI engineering students participate in a team-oriented, industry-driven project that focuses on real-world challenges.
Companies bring projects in for students to work on over the course of a full academic year. Past industry sponsors have included Bosch, FM Global, Hexagon Metrology, Sensata, Siemens, and Bose. Teams are made up of three to six students who work together on all aspects of project design and management, including research, brainstorming, design, build, entrepreneurial development, and intellectual property law.
Students gain important skills such as electronics, pcb design, automated test software, robotics, wave tank testing, programming, welding, structural design analysis, drone design and programming, Android application design, and Bluetooth. And because Capstone projects allow students to work directly with a corporate sponsor, they often lead to jobs upon graduation.

Capstone Programs by Program
- Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Capstone Design
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Design
- Industrial and Systems Engineering Capstone Design
- Mechanical Capstone Design
- Ocean Engineering Capstone Design