What is NELSAMP?
NELSAMP is designed to implement and enhance programs that encourage and support students in the STEM fields. Support is offered in the form of research opportunities, pre-college and college academic preparation, and graduate school programs. Each partner institution participates in Alliance-wide activities and offers project activities at its own campus. These partners are UCONN, Northeastern University, UMASS Amherst, Tufts University, WPI, and the University of Rhode Island.
Student Eligibility
All admitted CCRI students are eligible to apply. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and considered for the upcoming semester. For example, if admitted to URI in July, eligibility would be considered for the fall semester. Students living both on and off campus are encouraged to apply.
Program Details
- Students are considered for one semester with the potential for renewal for future semesters.
- Students would be expected to work in one of the URI College of Engineering research labs for 5-20 hours per week.
- In addition to lab hours, students will be expected to take part in professional development opportunities such as workshops, conferences, and student organizations.
- Submit your application. Some recommendations: research labs within the College of Engineering and evaluate how participating in research will help you achieve your academic and career goals.
- If you are considered a strong candidate, you will be asked to interview with staff within the College of Engineering Dean’s office.
- If your interview is successful, the Dean’s office will assist you in connecting with faculty/labs of interest, and the lab team(s) will interview you to determine if you are a good fit for their project(s).
Charles Watson, MS
Assistant Dean, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, College of Engineering, University of Rhode Island, hitman@uri.edu, 401.874.5985