Mechanical engineering student’s first stop after graduation? Disneyland - Mia Mollicone won’t be there for just fun; she’ll be a superintendent intern living a dream.
Using nanotech as a way of differentiating cells from one another - Early diagnosis is crucial in disease prevention and treatment. Many diseases can be identified not just through physical signs and symptoms but also through changes at the cellular and molecular levels.
E-Week 2025! Join Us! - Join us for a week-long celebration dedicated to showcasing the remarkable achievements and innovations of our engineering students. Highlights include a block party sponsored by our world-renowned International Engineering Program, research showcase, college picnic (RSVP required), inspiring talks, capstone design showcase, and more! MONDAY, APRIL 21 K-12 Research Showcase | 10:00-11:30 AM | FCAE […]
URI multicultural student one of first to pass N1 Japanese proficiency exam - Korali Kouadio’s love of languages allowed her to achieve something special. So special in fact that she’s one of only two URI students to ever achieve it.
URI chemical engineering professor named 2025 Cottrell Scholar - University of Rhode Island assistant professor Ryan Poling-Skutvik has been named a recipient of the prestigious Cottrell Scholar Award for 2025.
Could wearables be the future in diagnosing ADHD? - According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD is one of the most common disorders diagnosed in children.
URI’s International Engineering Program is turning dreams into reality - KINGSTON, R.I. – Jan. 24, 2025 – Sitting adjacent to the University of Rhode Island’s Alumni Center are two nondescript buildings. Contrary to their unassuming gray or white color, the buildings house a unique program, the International Engineering Program (IEP). Studying abroad is not a novel concept for students. Almost 330,000 U.S. students study abroad […]
Preparing for a landslide induced tsunami - KINGSTON, R.I. – Jan. 29, 2025 – While the eastern United States doesn’t sit along major tectonic plate fault lines like the West Coast, earthquakes can still happen here.
URI’s Ashutosh Giri receives the Nation’s highest government award to outstanding scientists and engineers - KINGSTON, R.I. – Jan. 23, 2025 – Before the peaceful transition of power, the Biden administration recognized 400 scientists and engineers with the Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering. Among the honorees were two University of Rhode Island faculty members: psychology assistant professor Justin Parent and mechanical, industrial, and systems engineering professor Ashutosh […]
International Collaboration on Arctic Research Between U.S., Norway and Canada - Dramatic changes have been observed in the Arctic Ocean in the past decades in terms of ocean temperature and salinity structure and ice-cover. Because sound travels long distances underwater, scientists have been able to use acoustic signals to localize oceanographic platforms and vehicles underwater and ice, but the way sound travels depends on the oceanography. […]
New URI council focuses on the future of textiles in southern New England, invites participation - URI looks to partner in conversation around textiles in region. The council will meet this January to discuss, promote and share information between members and URI faculty on Rhode Island textiles, research, needs and recommendations for workforce development and opportunities.
URI Engineering professor receives Outstanding Teaching award - Dec. 2024 – Kingston, R.I. – Professor Musa Jouaneh has been awarded the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Region 1 award for Outstanding Teaching in an IEEE area of interest at a university or college. The award goes to an individual who is improving communications between the IEEE and a student body, providing support […]
ASME honors URI mechanical engineering professor - The American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s honored University of Rhode Island professor Arun Shukla at this year’s annual International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Portland, Oregon. The event, which attracts leaders from academia, government and industry, is one of the largest conferences for mechanical engineers. Shukla was invited as a 2024 plenary speaker to […]
In Memoriam: Pioneers of the International Engineering Program - In memoriam of Dr. John Grandin and Heidi Kirk Duffy, two pioneers of the International Engineering Program
Biomedical engineering professor awarded NSF grant to study Parkinson’s using virtual reality - University of Rhode Island biomedical engineering associate professor Yalda Shahriari has been awarded a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to study Parkinson’s
URI researchers head international team exploring wearable technology to help stroke survivors - The three-year project is backed by a $500K grant from National Science Foundation.
URI off to successful start in partnership in nuclear engineering with Australian university - The University of Rhode Island and Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, have established a groundbreaking partnership in nuclear engineering
URI mechanical engineering professor awarded NSF, DARPA early career honors - University of Rhode Island mechanical engineering assistant professor Yang Lin has been awarded a U.S. National Science Foundation Early Researcher Initiation and a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Young Faculty Award.
URI joins with federal, state leaders to celebrate progress of Bay Campus revitalization - University of Rhode Island President Marc Parlange welcomed more than 200 guests to celebrate progress on the $300 million, multi-phase transformation of the Narragansett Bay Campus.
URI receives $795,000 boost for high performance computing and cybersecurity - Federal earmark secured thanks to Senator Reed, Congressman Magaziner
Sea Services symposium to showcase maritime programs and career opportunities on Sept. 27 - Second Sea Services Symposium open to URI, CCRI and high school students
- Rhode Island Rising - RISE-UP has potential to boost state’s economy, create jobs and provide entrepreneurial opportunities for students
Ph.D. engineering student at URI receives ISSS Scientific Achievement Award - Part-time Ph.D. chemical engineering student Michael Jones was awarded the 2024 Scientific Achievement Award by the International System Safety Society (ISSS) for contributions to the advancement of system safety.
URI engineering professor awarded Office of Naval Research grant to study heat transfer - The Office of Naval Research has awarded a three-year, $418,300 grant to University of Rhode Island mechanical engineering assistant professor Ashutosh Giri
Swelling the Banks - As climate change causes increasingly catastrophic river flooding in Rhode Island, URI scientists are fighting back.