Exploring Engineering

Exploring Engineering provides a unique pathway for students admitted to URI who are passionate about engineering but do not yet meet the academic criteria for direct admission into an engineering major. This program is designed to build a strong foundation in important science and math coursework, setting students up for long-term success in their chosen engineering field.

During their first year, Exploring Engineering students benefit from personalized guidance from a dedicated engineering advisor. Together, they craft a balanced academic plan that includes essential math and science courses, along with general education or elective classes to maintain full-time status (typically 12 to 15 credits).
Once the foundational coursework is successfully completed, students transition seamlessly into their preferred engineering major—ready to thrive with a solid academic foundation.

Benefits of the Exploring Engineering Status
  • Explore Engineering as a Potential Major
   Based on your academic background and interests, you’ll have the opportunity to explore engineering by taking essential foundational courses in engineering, mathematics, and science.
  • Follow a Personalized Curriculum
   You’ll follow the curriculum for your engineering major of interest—including an undeclared engineering option—ensuring your coursework aligns with your goals from the start.
  • Receive Dedicated Advising Support
   As an Exploring Engineering student, you’ll be paired with an engineering advisor who will guide you every step of the way, tracking your progress and helping you make informed decisions. Advising appointments are required each semester to ensure a smooth registration process for future classes.

Requirements to Transition from Exploring Engineering to a College of Engineering Major
To move from Exploring Engineering into a designated engineering major, students must meet the following academic requirements:
  • Maintain a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 or higher.
  • Complete the following courses (including transfer credits) with a grade of “C-” or better in each:
     • MTH 141 (Calculus I)
     • CHM 101 (General Chemistry I) and CHM 102 (General Chemistry I Laboratory)
     • PHY 203 (Elementary Physics I) and PHY 273 (Elementary Physics I Laboratory)
     • EGR 105 (Foundations of Engineering I)

Students have a maximum of three semesters to fulfill these requirements.

Important Note: Many Exploring Engineering students are not yet prepared to begin with the first required calculus course (MTH 141). Therefore, based on the progression through the curriculum, a five-year graduation plan is often recommended. Your engineering advisor will review this timeline with you and discuss alternative pathways tailored to your goals.