What is “Wanting Engineering”?
Wanting Engineering (WEGR) is not an engineering major code since it is not a degree. It is only available to students who are still in University College. This coding is used with students who are interested in engineering as a major, but do not have the background to begin as an engineering major (would not be admitted as an engineering major). It provides them with an opportunity to take courses that follow the freshman engineering degree pathway with the benefit of having an engineering advisor. Many WEGR students become engineering majors after successfully completing specific required courses (see below). The decision about if and when a student is ready to be changed to an engineering major is determined by the assistant dean.
Note: A signed WEGR contract is required for this option. You must meet with the WEGR advisor regarding this contract.
WEGR Status Provides the Following Benefits:
- based on background and interests, students are provided with the opportunity to explore engineering as a potential major by taking required fundamental core courses in engineering, mathematics, and science
- students follow the curriculum associated with their engineering major of interest (undeclared engineering is included)
- students are assigned a WEGR engineering advisor to guide them and monitor their progress (advising appointments are required every semester to be allowed to enroll in classes for the next semester)
Important Resources That You Need to Review:
Please review the items at each link shown below, which will provide you with important information that you need to be aware of. You also need to print out the curriculum sheet for your major and bring this information to all advising appointments.
- COE Advising Process and Advisor Holds
- Curriculum Sheets for all Engineering Majors
- COE Admission Requirements
Requirements to be Changed From WEGR to A COE Major:
- To become an engineering major, Wanting Engineering students must have an overall grade point average of 2.00 or better, and complete (including transfer credits) the following required courses with a grade point average of 2.00 or better and grades of “C-“ or better in each course: MTH 141, CHM 101, 102, PHY 203, 273, and EGR 105. [2014-2015 URI Catalog]
- Enrollment in 200-level College of Engineering courses is restricted to engineering majors.
- A maximum of 3 (three) semesters to demonstrate your ability to continue in engineering is allowed
- Note: Some WEGR students are typically not ready to begin in the first required calculus course, MTH 141. As such, these WEGR students should expect a five-year plan for graduation based on the various engineering curricula requirements. The WEGR engineering advisor will review this and your options with you.
Note: Advisor evaluation and monitoring of student progress is done every semester. Based on your performance and progress, and at the discretion of the COE Dean, you can lose your WEGR status at any time. If there is no evidence of satisfactory progress during any of the 3 (three) semesters as described above, you may lose your WEGR status, and will not be allowed to enroll in any engineering courses. It will then be necessary for you to choose a major other than engineering.